Contaniner app
If I have a container app that will access to a key vault using a manage identity, the keyvualt can be in a different region as the container app is?
How to Run Docker tasks on a GitHub selfhosted Runner on an Azure container Apps?
We are currently hosting our self-hosted runners on Azure Container Apps. Since the runner itself is based on a Docker image, we're facing challenges running Docker tasks within it. Could you please advise on how Docker can be utilized on a self-hosted…
Using GPU in Container Apps.
I need to increase the quota of GPU T4 in Container Apps for using the GPU in it. Thanks
Azure Container Apps Revision Changes Not Propagating to Default Application URL
I have recently launched an azure container app. I have done this by packaging a jar file with maven, and then deployed it through az containerapp up, as shown in the following…
Connection Timeout Issues Between Azure Container App and Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Establishing a connection to Azure Database for PostgreSQL from an Azure Container App randomly times out from a container. The connection works perfectly fine from a local workstation during the periods when timeouts occur. The container runs Alpine…
How to get the exact alert messages in Notification for detailed Managed Identity operation in Container Apps
I would like to create an alert particularly turning ON/OFF on Managed Identity on Container Apps or any resources under Identity. See screenshot below. I would like to filter or create alert the same as below notification messages if possible.
Azure Container app connectivity issue
Hi Team, We are facing connectivity issue in Container App, that after enabling the connectivity from Logic app and Function app to container app (workload profile or consumption-only tier). We are getting the "RBAC Denied" error, we have tried…
Cannot Delete a Function Container App
Hi there, I have an Azure Container Function which has become unresponsive. I have tried to delete over the last 24 hours - but I am getting the error: "Cannot modify this site because another operation is in progress" (This is through the…
azure function on containerapps
Good morning, I have a bicep files azurefunction.bice and env.bicep. the provisioning works fine. once I am trying to deploy the functionapp service (ref in azure.yaml) on the function hosted on containerapp I am getting the following error: Error:…
KEDA Unable to Connect to Kafka Broker in Same Container Apps Environment.
I have two container apps. One is running an instance of kafka and the other is consuming kafka messages. They both live inside the same container app environment and traffic from outside the environment is not allowed. The consumer app can connect to…
Container App Job to Retrieve the Replica Name
Here's what I wish to build:- I will deploy my backend jobs as Azure Container App Job. Whenever new message published to Service Bus, new replica will be auto created to process the message accordingly. So 1 message -> 1 replica -> 1 job. And my…
Time required for a container/revision to scale up from 0
Hi, Azure container apps support scale down to 0 in both dedicated and consumption plan. I want to know what is the typical time required for scaling. I understand that it will depend upon factors like container startup time etc., but please give a…
Preview Feature Timeline for Private Link Integration with Azure Front Door
In regard to "Create a private link to an Azure Container App with Azure Front Door (preview)", could you please provide an estimated timeline or any updates regarding when this feature will move out of the preview stage and become generally…
Having difficulty configuring TLS passthrough for Azure Container Apps
Hi, I'm working on a small test project deploying a Golang app pulled directly from the docker hub and attempting to host this with Azure Container Apps. The application requires me to mount a volume to the container and requires TLS to terminate inside…
Zone Redundancy in Azure Container Apps
Hello, Documentation for Azure Container Apps (ACA) shows that enabling zone redundancy will distribute the nodes (instances) between zones and then replicas will be distributed to these nodes, making the application zone redundant. It is suggested to…
The access token is from the wrong issuer
I am getting this error while deploying container apps environment through terraform, all the other resources are created on the right subscription as well as tenant id but for container apps only I'm not able to make them up. RESPONSE 401: 401…
Local Error: DNSResolution in application gateway when backend is an internal container app
I want to use Azure Application Gateway to protect an internal container app in same vnet, but the situation is quite confusing. Here are the specific configurations: Azure internal container app in vnet test-vnet, ingress restricted to vnet, listening…
75% requests to are failing from Azure Container Apps which is routed via Azure HUB PaloAlto Firewall.
Requests to are failing from Azure Container Apps, roughly 75% of the requests are failing. If the request is successful it will be really fast, otherwise it will fail to connection timeout. Running the exactly same requests…
Unable to Create Service Connector Between Azure Function App and MySQL Flexible Server in VNet
Hello, I'm trying to set up a service connector between an Azure Function App and a MySQL Flexible Server, but I’m encountering difficulties because the database server is within a Virtual Network (VNet). Steps Tried: Used the Azure CLI command: bash az…
Issue with accessing Azure Container App behind internal load balancer on VNet
I have pretty regular set of templates that deploy Container App on private network (vnet) with ingress working only on that network The underlying container exposes port 80, the replicas are up and running, health checks are OK. I have a test VM on that…