how do i fix this error "[AksHci] This computer does not appear to be configured for deployment."
Hi, i have an issue with setting up the AKS service on my azure stack hci which is a cluster with 4 nodes, under the aks extension on windows admin server i got an error message "[AksHci] This computer does not appear to be configured for…
How to enable egress network policy for Windows Server 2022 pods?
Hi, Could you please help me out with the network policy configuration for Windows Server 2022 pods in AKS? I followed the guide and all the steps listed here to no avail.…
Unable to connect another tenant SMB file share from my Aks cluster
Unable to connect another tenant SMB file share from my Aks cluster mount error(13): Permission denied Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) and kernel log messages (dmesg) Attempting to mount…
Issue with Invocation to Python Services in Dapr
Dear Microsoft Dapr Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am encountering an issue when attempting to invoke Python services using Dapr. The following error is appearing: java Copy code code Upon investigating, it seems this error occurs…
Virtual Machine Scale Set in Failed Provisioning state due to failed installaiton of DependencyAgentLinux
All the virtual machine scale sets for my AKS cluster nodepools are in failed State due to unsuccessful extension installations. They OS is Linux with size Standard_D32s_v5 (2 instances). The following error log is provided The handler for VM…
nodeAffinity tags "" for managed-premium storage class are too restrictive
Question: Is there a way to use LRS and set the nodeAffinity tags correctly? AKS is unable to schedule pods - the pods are in Pending state. Checking the PVC shows that there are nodeAffinity issues. Further diagnostics reveal that the PV has the…
Cannot Connect to PosgresDB Flexible Server From in Private AKS
Hi all, I am experiencing an issue with connecting to a PostgreSQL database from a private AKS cluster. The AKS and the database are located in two different virtual networks and subscriptions. To debug the connection, I created a pod using the following…
How to create Kubernetes cluster on Azure Local (Azure HCI Stack) Not Azure Arc.
There is lots of code available for AKS for Azure Arc, but no Terraform code for Azure Hci Stack (Azure Local) Kubernetes Cluster. could anyone share any docs or link to create a Kubernetes Cluster on Azure HCI Stack (Azure Local) not Azure Arc. Thank…
Deploying to specific nodes using Helm in AKS
Why doesn't this work? I'd like to install it in the second node but it keeps defaulting to the first. kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION aks-agentpool-17677754-vmss000000 Ready <none> 52m …
AKS Spring MicroServices fails to resolve pod names
I am trying to move a hosted application that is using docker and spring boot to AKS. we have 13 to 15 microservices that need to be run and each microservice registers itself to the Eureka server with their hostname ( pod name ) . when the other…
Redis stack trace does not appear in Kubernetes Pod Log! Why not?
I have an ASP.NET core 3 web app I'm trying to debug in an Azure Kubernetes pod. I could look at the kubernetes pod log and see my System.Console.WriteLine statements inside of my ConfigureServices functions and everything looked great -- including my…
Unable to reach the api server or api server is too busy to respond. {"message":"Failed to fetch","stack":"TypeError: Failed to fetch\n at","isError":true}
I have a Kubernetes cluster in Azure (AKS), and I want to manage/monitor it through Azure Arc. When I try to view the pods in the Azure Arc interface in the Azure portal, i'm getting an error message saying "Unable to reach the api server or api…
Not able to create AKS Cluster using Azure Pass Subscription
No able to create AKS Cluster using Azure Pass Subscription {"code":"InvalidTemplateDeployment","details":[{"code":"ErrCode_InsufficientVCPUQuota","message":"Preflight validation check for…
Request to Increase vCPU Quota in Central US Region
I am requesting an increase in the vCPU quota for the Central US region. This is necessary to deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster with the required resources for my workload.
Downgrade en el tamaño de los nodos de un AKS
Actualmente tengo este tamaño de nodos: Standard_D4s_v3 Por temas de optimización de costos debo moverme a este tamaño: E2ads_v6 Tengo un clúster de AKS con un grupo de 4 nodos, cuando le doy clic al botón de escalar grupo de nodos, no me habilita la…
Connection Refused from AKS cluster to Postgres Flex server
Hi All, I am getting connection refused error while connecting to Postgres Flex server from AKS Cluster pod. Same Postgres Flex server connection is working fine from PgAdmin. Can someone please help what could be wrong configuration from AKS…
How to Add More vCPUs for Production, QA, and Application Environments in Azure (East US , Central US Region)
I am in the process of migrating my application and database from AWS to Azure. As part of the migration, I need to scale up the resources for both the database and application environments in the East US region. Specifically, I want to allocate 16 vCPUs…
Unable to create AKS Cluster, error: Preflight validation check for resource(s) for container service phpapp-aks in resource group AzureResourceGrp1 failed. Message: Insufficient regional vcpu quota left for location westus
Unable to create AKS cluster, im getting this error- Preflight validation check for resource(s) for container service phpapp-aks in resource group AzureResourceGrp1 failed. Message: Insufficient regional vcpu quota left for location westus2. left…
Azure AKS - Nginx application routing addon with private IP setup
Hi, I am trying to setup ngnix based application routing add-on in AKS using below link. I used the below yaml to apply the custom add-on I am getting below error error:…
When we try to create AKS in azure, we get the following error
AKS Error: Preflight validation check for resource(s) for container service smartsearch in resource group smartsearch failed. Message: Insufficient regional vcpu quota left for location eastus. left regional vcpu quota 0, requested quota 16. Details: …