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Script to start/stop all the BizTalk hostinstances of a specific BizTalk host (vbs)



With this Visual Basic script you will be able to Start or Stop all the BizTalk host instances of a specific host.


Valid Parameters:

HostName     This is the host name you want to start/stop all its host instances. When the host instances of this host are clustered, this property should contains the cluster resource group name set by the Administrator.

sAction: Valid values are:

sAction = START Will Start all the host instances of that host

sAction = STOP     Will Stop all the host instances of that host 


The following cmd line, will Start all host instances of the host BizTalkServerApplication

cscript .\RestartHost.vbs BizTalkServerApplication;START

The zip file contains the script and a Test.cmd command file to test it.

Download the Code

You can download the code from MSDN Code Gallery here