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Are you the DEVSTA for 2008?

Microsoft Australia are looking for the ultimate software gun – think you’ve got what it takes? Prove it.

On October 8th, at 8.08am, the DEVSTA competition launches to find Australia’s brightest coder (you don’t have to be a professional – you just need to be able to work under pressure and get the project done).

That’s 8:08, 8/8/08… see the pattern? If you do, you’ll understand why the comp runs for 200 hours and 8 minutes.

Don’t mess around – at 8:08 the project brief is announced and you need to get started – so make sure you sign up now so you don’t let the others get a headstart.

The prize pool is awesome – over 30 grand worth of stuff, including a trip to Vegas to attend MIX09, an Xbox 360 Elite and a MSDN Premium subscription.

Best mobile implementation can also win a couple of Samsung Omnias and a 40” LCD TV – w00t! I just wish I could enter! :)

Anyhow – head right over to for more info. And to sign up, of course.
