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It's almost here!

Well, after months of planning by some very brilliant people like Karo Esmaili and Roger Lawrence, and a mad dash over the past week by the whole team, Student Day is almost here. And man, what a day it's gonna be!

Joe Wilson, the top dude for Academic Relations, is flying over from the US to talk about a Microsoft that may sound foreign to a lot of people - a Microsoft that's modern-day cool. And of course, bolstering that is the stuff I've spoken about previously - Student 2 Business, DreamSpark and Imagine Cup - as well as some funky stuff on PhotoSynth, Robotics, XNA Game Studio and more.

For those of you in university, there are still some spots open but you're going to have to be mega quick given it's on tomorrow. For those of you already registered - see you there!

Almost upon us
