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Understanding the Cluster Debug Log in 2008

One of the major changes from 2003 to 2008 is the way we handle logging of cluster debug events. I thought I’d do a quick write-up on how cluster debug logging works in 2008.

In Windows 2003 Failover Clustering, the cluster service on each node constantly writes to a live debug output file. These files are located in the %SystemRoot%\Cluster folder on each node in the cluster and the name of the file is CLUSTER.LOG. The cluster log is local and specific to each node’s cluster service. Each node has a unique log file that represents its views and actions. This file is in a basic text format and can be easily viewed with Word, Notepad, etc.

In Windows Server 2008, a change was made to make the cluster debug logging mechanism more in line with how the rest of Windows handles event logging. The Win 2003 legacy CLUSTER.LOG text file no longer exists. In Win 2008 the cluster log is handled by the Windows Event Tracing (ETW) process. This is the same logging infrastructure that handles events for other aspects you are already well familiar with, such as the System or Application Event logs you view in Event Viewer.

For more information on the topic of Windows Event Tracing, see the following MSDN articles:

Improve Debugging And Performance Tuning With ETW

Event Tracing

About Event Tracing

How to Generate a Cluster Log

First we need to look at the cluster logs in some user friendly format. You can run the following commands to generate a text readable version of the ETL files. We’ll talk more about ETL files in a bit. The trace sessions are dumped into a text file that looks very similar to the legacy CLUSTER.LOG

If you are running Windows Server 2008, you can use the ‘cluster.exe’ command line . If you are running Windows Server 2008 R2, you can use either ‘cluster.exe’ command line or the cluster PowerShell cmdlets.

Command Line

c:\>cluster log /gen

Some useful switches for ‘cluster log /gen’ are:

Switch Effect
c:\>cluster log /gen /COPY:”directory

Dumps the logs on all nodes in the entire cluster to a single directory

c:\>cluster log /gen /SPAN:min

Just dump the last X minutes of the log

c:\>cluster log /gen /NODE:”node-name

Useful when the ClusSvc is down to dump a specific node’s logs

For more detailed information on the ‘cluster log /gen’ command, see the TechNet article here.


C:\PS> Get-ClusterLog

Some useful switches for ‘Get-ClusterLog’ are:

Switch Effect
C:\PS> Get-ClusterLog –Destination

Dumps the logs on all nodes in the entire cluster to a single directory

C:\PS> Get-ClusterLog –TimeSpan

Just dump the last X minutes of the log

C:\PS> Get-ClusterLog –Node

Useful when the ClusSvc is down to dump a specific node’s logs

For more detailed information on the ‘Get-ClusterLog’ cmdlet, see the TechNet article here.

Failover Cluster Tracing Session

You can see the FailoverClustering ETW trace session (Microsoft-Windows-FailoverClustering) in ‘Reliability and Performance Monitor’ under ‘Data Collector Sets’, ‘Event Trace Sessions.


Cluster event tracing is enabled by default when you first configure the cluster and start the cluster service. The log files are stored in:


The log files are stored in an *.etl format.

Every time a server is rebooted, we take the previous *.etl file and append it with a 00X suffix

By default, we keep the most recent three ETL files. Only one of these files is the active or “live” log at any given time.

Format in Windows Server 2008


Format in Windows Server 2008 R2

Microsoft-Windows-FailoverClustering Diagnostic.etl.001
Microsoft-Windows-FailoverClustering Diagnostic.etl.002
Microsoft-Windows-FailoverClustering Diagnostic.etl.003

The default size of these logs is 100MB each. Later in this post, I’ll explain how to determine if this size is adequate for your environment.

The important thing to understand about the cluster logs is we use a circular logging mechanism. Since the logs are a finite 100MB in size, once we reach that limit, events from the beginning of the current  or “live” ETL log will be truncated to make room for events at the end of the log.


Here’s an example of the timeframes captured in a series of ETL files.

In this example, every night the server is rebooted at midnight. The three most recent ETL logs would look like this:






The ETL.001 file is the active file being used by the live cluster service to write debug entries. Let’s say there were many entries being written to the current trace session file and we hit the 100MB limit at 3pm. At that point, events from 12am to 3am were truncated to make room for additional entries in the log. At that point, the ETL.001 log would look like this:


Now I want to view the cluster logs in some text readable format so I run either the ‘cluster log /gen’ command or the ‘Get-ClusterLog’ cmdlet

These commands take all the ETL.00X files and “glues” them together in the order they were created to make one contiguous text file.

















The file that gets created is located in \%WinDir%\Cluster\Reports\ and is called CLUSTER.LOG

If you were looking at the debug entries in the CLUSTER.LOG file, you might notice that since we glued all three logs together, there is an apparent gap in the CLUSTER.LOG from 11:59pm on 1/2 to 3am on 1/3. The assumption may be that either there is information missing during that time or there was nothing being logged. The missing time is not in and of itself a problem, just a side effect of concatenating all three logs together.


How Large Should I Set My Cluster Log Size?

So now that you understand why there may be “gaps” in the cluster debug log, let’s discuss how this relates to understanding how large your cluster log size should be. The first thing you need to determine is “How much time is covered in each ETL file?”. If you were looking at the CLUSTER.LOG text file from the above examples, you could see that the most recent ETL.001 file contained about 12 hours of data before it was truncated. The other ETL files contain about 24 hours of data. When we are talking about the cluster log size, we are ONLY talking about the live ETL trace session.

The amount of data written to the ETL files is very dependent on what the cluster is doing. If the cluster is idle, there may be minimal cluster debug logging, if the cluster is recovering from a failure scenario, the logging will be very verbose. The more data being written to the ETL file, the sooner it will get truncated. There’s no one “recommended” value for the size of the cluster log that will fit everyone.

Since the default cluster log size in Windows Server 2008 is 100MB, the above example shows that 100MB ETL file covers about a 12-24 hour timeframe. This means if I am troubleshooting a cluster issue, I have 12 hours from the failure to generate a cluster log or risk information being truncated. If it may not be feasible to generate a cluster log that soon after a failure, you should consider increasing the size of the cluster log. If you changed the size of the cluster log to 400MB, you are accounting for the need to have at least 2 days (12 hours X 4) of data in the live ETL file.

Why Should I Care About All This?

While reading cluster logs may not be something you generally do in your leisure time, it’s a critical log Microsoft Support uses to troubleshoot cluster issues. If there’s any other message I could convey here it’s that in order for us to do a good job of supporting our customers, we need to have the data available. We often get customers who open a case to try and figure out why their cluster had problems and those problems occurred over a week ago. As hard of a message it is to deliver, without the complete cluster log, root cause analysis becomes extremely difficult. If you intend to open up a support case with Microsoft, keep the following in mind.

  • The sooner after the failure we can capture the cluster logs, the better. The longer you wait to open a case and have us collect diagnostic information, the greater chance the cluster log will truncate the timeframe we need.
  • If you can’t open a case right away, at least run the ‘cluster log /gen’ or the ‘Get-ClusterLog’ command and save off the cluster log files for when you do have a chance to open a case.
  • It is generally recommended that your CLUSTER.LOG have at least 72 hours worth of continuous data retention. This is so that if you have a failure occur after you went home on Friday, you still have the data you need to troubleshoot the issue on Monday morning.

How To Change the Cluster Log Size

Changing the default cluster log size is fairly straightforward.

First, open an elevated command prompt and type the following:

C:\>cluster /prop

This will output the current properties of the cluster.


To change the cluster log size, open an elevated command prompt and type the command:


C:\PS>Set-ClusterLog –Size X

Command Line

c:\>cluster log /Size:X

Where X is the size you want to set in MB. Note in the above screenshot, the default is 100.

How to Change the Detail Verbosity of the Cluster Log

In the above screenshot, the default cluster log level (ClusterLogLevel) is 3. Generally, you shouldn’t need to change the default level unless directed by a Microsoft Support Professional. Using debug level ‘5’ will have a performance impact on the server.







0 (Disabled)


















3 (Default)


















To change the cluster log level, open an elevated command prompt and type the command:


C:\PS>Set-ClusterLog –Level X

Command Line

c:\>cluster log /Level:X

Where X is the desired log level.

Hope you found this information useful.

Jeff Hughes
Senior Support Escalation Engineer
Microsoft Enterprise Platforms Support


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Great article. It would be nice if the logging mechanisim logged the "truncate" event in the cluster log to indicate the gap so that its obvious.
  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2010
    Excellent information on the cluster logging.
  • Anonymous
    July 02, 2010
    MagnificientMy friend, you'll never know how much I've been looking for thisthanks very much
  • Anonymous
    November 18, 2010
    This was brilliant.....Thanks a lot man..... I was searching for it since a long time ago
  • Anonymous
    March 02, 2011
    Brillant. Just what I was looking for. Many thanks
  • Anonymous
    March 02, 2011
    Fantastic, this article told me more than a lazy Microsoft Escalation Engineer (who I have a cluster issue with) wanted me to raise a new case to tell me why our cluster log was missing a whole month. The stitching of the 3 logs together explains it...Thankfully I decided not to raise a new case and waste time and money. I decided to search the internet for the answer and found this article quicker than it would of taken me to raise a new Microsoft case ;-)
  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2011
    Thanks for all the great information. However, I have one question. How can I tail the log like I used to be able to do with previous versions of the cluster.log. The closest that I could get was to start a TRACERPT connected to the Real-Time Event Trace and output a CSV file. But I can't tail the CSV file because it is locked or in-use.Please help thanks.
  • Anonymous
    June 14, 2011
    Really confusing and non standard log generation process.You have a log thats used for critical systems and you lose messages because you assume customers back them up before they fill upYou provide no monitoring functionality to detect how full they areYou dont raise a message when log entries have been thrown away.You dont make a backup before you chuck these entries into the ether.You dont cycle logs in a standard fashion.Its completely unacceptable to chuck away log entries on a critical systemThis really could be done better, its ill thought out, Im not a happy cluster customers.
  • Anonymous
    April 11, 2012
    Good information provided, but I tend to agree with most of Paul's comments.  If this information is so critical to support, why not treat it as such instead of using a system that allows for unnoticed loss of events?
  • Anonymous
    January 28, 2013
    Nice topic and explanation
  • Anonymous
    June 25, 2013
    Thanks for this post.Just a qq, does the server needs to be rebooted after increasing the ClusterLogSize?or restarting the cluster service will suffice?
  • Anonymous
    December 05, 2013
    Very Good article. Great JOB.
  • Anonymous
    January 08, 2014
    Kris Waters, one of my great colleagues from the US, originally posted a really neat list of items which
  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2014
    In a previous blog, Understanding the Cluster Debug Log in 2008 , you were given the information on how
  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2014
    Jeff - excellent information; thanks for the article. The clusters that I most often find 'gaps' in their cluster log are SQL servers. This appears to be due to the frequent cluster health checks for SQL. Is there a way to suppress those without impacting the level of logging for the entire cluster?
  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2014
    Thanks for this post very good article...
  • Anonymous
    June 09, 2014
    Excellent information !...Really, helpful
  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2014
    Thanks, very helpful for explaining the cluster logging process to IT management.
  • Anonymous
    August 06, 2015
    One question which I have after reading this post, is there a way to increase the number of log files (e.g. 10)? Most of the option discussed above are new to me, however, it shows me a way to look into an issue, I am currently facing in my lab. Thank you, Jeff. Awesome post !!!
  • Anonymous
    August 07, 2015
    It is hardcoded at only three log files. However, you can increase the size of those log files. The default is 100meg for each, so to increase it to something like 300 so it holds more data, you could run

    Set-clusterlog -size 300
  • Anonymous
    April 08, 2016
    I have seen gaps of 1-5 months. Why would that be? I could see a few hours but not months.