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Need to know?

Bernard: You only need to know things on a need to know basis.
Humphrey: I need to know everything. How else can I judge whether or not I need to know it?
[from Man Overboard, December 1987]

ypm Yes (Prime) Minister was one of my favourite TV series, but it’s a little bit scary how often you come across similar scenarios in “real” life! Like looking for help and how-to articles…

You know you can’t do something but unless you know what it’s called, you can’t find the instructions. So you stay stuck.

Well, we’re piloting an alternative to searching aimlessly for answers to Microsoft Office questions. Meet Agent Office!

Using either Windows Live Communicator or Office Communicator, start a chat conversation with “”. (Agent Office is just fresh out of training, so if you come across any glitches, it would be great if you could let her know.)

Agent Office is only available to chat, so please don't email her as she won't be able to reply.
