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EMEA Web Services Competency Workshop in Norway

Are you interested in Web Services architecture and technology and coincidentally live in Norway? If yes, the EMEA Web Services Competency Workshop might be exactly what you’re looking for. It takes place on the 1. March in Oslo. This workshop usually last for two days but I “compressed” it into a day full of WS-* related content:

· Update on SOA and the Web Services platform

In short, SOA is about loosely coupled systems, message based communication and business process orchestration. As an abstract architectural model, it acts as an indirection between the business and the technology model. Web Services are the preferred implementation technology for loosely coupled and interoperable systems. We’re going to elaborate the most recent movements in this area and discuss the motivations for the latest WS specifications.

· The grey area between service and object-oriented design
Realizing a service oriented architecture usually implies the usage of object-oriented technologies. There exist different issues if we map service oriented concepts to object oriented implementations. We discuss the challenges of exposing objects as part of a stable service interface, talk about the impact of service autonomy, the definition of a "well formed" contract as well as service versioning. Although it's architecture; expect to see code, XML and WSDL.

· Best practices for Web Services interoperability
If moving towards service oriented architecture, interoperability is one of the key requirements. We’re going to cover Web Services interoperability based on best practices gained on real world projects. Beside some architectural thoughts; we're going to discuss the pro and cons of the different SOAP encodings (rpc-literal, rpc-encoded, doc-literal, doc-literal wrapped), the challenges of mapping XML-schemas to different type systems as well as the impact of WS-Interoperability (WS-I).

· A proposal how to build Web Services using VS.NET 2003
We’re going to apply some of the discussed concepts and create a connected system using the current available tools. By following the contract first approach, we start with the entity and message design and continue with the service provider and consumer implementation.

Hope to see there…


  • Anonymous
    March 02, 2005

    I just want to thank you for a great workshop in Oslo. It was extremely useful for me in particular since I've just started a pilot project where SOA and Web Services are to be implemented.

    Thank you! :-)
  • Anonymous
    March 02, 2005

    I attended at the EMEA Web Services Competency Workshop in Norway and had a great time during your interesting sessions. Unfortunately my brain capacity prevent me from remember every detail. Therefore, if you don’t mind, I would like (love) to have a copy of the demoOslo solution, which you created during the “A proposal how to build Web Services using VS.NET 2003.” Session at the end of the day.

    Regards Geir Falkevik
  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2005
    Are you gonna be in Stavanger next week? :-)
  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2005
    I'm glad you guys liked it! It was a pleasure to be in Oslo! Petter (MS Norway) recorded the whole day and is going to produce a DVD of it. This DVD will contain the demos as well.

    I'm not going to be in Stavanger next week because I'm delivering the workshop in Madrid... :-(
  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2005
    Hi Beat! You had some interesting sessions in Oslo, tuesday. Personaly I liked the "Update on SOA and the Web Services platform"
    and "Web Services interoperability" sessions best. Maybe you should change your naming convention, before doing the “A proposal how to build Web Services using VS.NET 2003.” session again. It must have been a bit confusing for thoses, not familiar with designing best practice Web Services.
  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2005
    Totally agree with you! The naming of the message and its payload was just bad :-( I’m going to change this for the DVD as well.
  • Anonymous
    March 08, 2005
    Hey and thanks for a great session yes!

    I'm holding an SOA session at our local (Kristiansand) NNUG this month and I got some new and usefull information from your session in Oslo.

    The DVD sounds great, but could you also submit your slides and possibly your demos on here on your blog?
