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December BenkoTIPS Schedule

MsdnLiveLogo We've got our first month and a half of BenkoTIPS Live and On Demand on the books and now we're looking at December. In an effort to find the best tips and tricks for developers we're going to bring in some special guests next month to talk about what they're passionate about. We're taking the last week of December off, so we've got 3 webcasts. They include:

  • Dec 3 - VSTO Applications with John Wiese
    Why start from scratch when you can stand on the shoulders of giants? Since the introduction of Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System (VSTO) developers are able to extend and expand the functionality of the most popular computer applications to build functionality their users need. In this presentation, we'll focus on the power and productivity of (VSTO) - a .NET Smart Client technology – to build an outlook add-in. We'll give you tips and tricks for designing and building smart client applications with VSTO, which allows you to create managed code applications with .NET languages including Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Visual C#.  VSTO addresses some of the biggest challenges that Office solution developers are facing today, including separation of data and view elements, server-side and offline scenarios, seamless integration with the Visual Studio tools, deployment and updating. Join us for this eye-opening session and learn just how easy it is to build and deploy powerful applications with VSTO.
  • Dec 10 - SharePoint Features with Scot Hillier
    SharePoint is a great tool for collaboration and publishing information to the web. Customizing and making it your own is where the developer really adds value to the team. This week we’re going to take a look at some features for working with SharePoint and we’ve got the man who has coordinated the project on CodePlex to make them a reality. Join Mike Benkovich as he welcomes Scott Hillier to BenkoTips Live and On Demand in this week’s edition of tips and tricks for developers. Scot will be taking a look at several of the over 30 different SharePoint Features that are available at These Features solve common SharePoint problems and end-user needs. There’s bound to be a feature in this set that you can use in your SharePoint farm right away.
  • Dec 17 - Visual Studio Tips & Tricks from the people who wrote itIn this episode we take tips to a whole new level, we go to the farm and ask the experts. Join Mike with special guests Eric Maino, Jared Parsons and Kirill Osenkov from the C# and VB teams as we take a look at some ways that they use Visual Studio 2008 to develop, test and debug code. We’ll look at how you can get the most from Visual Studio and really make it sing. Join us for a great show on BenkoTIPS Live & On Demand
