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Quick troubleshooting in configuring ESB Management Portal ( 2.1) on Biztalk Server 2010

While the new  release of Biztalk Server 2013 has a much better support for ESB Toolkit Installation / Configuration, a lot of us might still be grappling with the configuration of  ESB Toolkit 2.1 on Biztalk Server 2010 and more specifically with the ESB Portal.

Here is a quick run through to the most common error(s)  you might face and resolution for the same.


1.Unable to load assembly "System.Web.DataVisualization" while building the ESB Portal


[Resolution] : Ensure that you have the Microsoft Chart Controls ( version 3.5 ) installed on your system by either verifying it from "Add / Remove Programs - Run APPWIZ.CPL" or simply checking the GAC for the presence of the missing assembly. If not install it from MS Chart Controls 3.

Installing this would ensure that you have the requires assemblies ( containing ASP.NET and Windows Forms Chart Controls) on your system, which the ESB Portal have a dependency on.

2."ESB Portal Error Information - UnHandled Exception" while browsing the ESBPortal


  [Resolution] : This could happen for a variety of reasons and the best way to troubleshoot is to m manually the following sites which are being accesses from within the ESB portal




You might see the below errors while browsing the dependent WCF services


Receive location for address "/ESB.ItineraryServices.WCF/ProcessItinerary.svc" not found. (The Biztalk receive location may be disabled.)

[Resolution a] : Enable the appropriate Biztalk Receive Location(s) within the Microsoft.Practices.ESB Application.


The requested content appears to be script and will not be served by the static file handler

[Resolution b] : In command prompt, navigate to %windir%\Microsoft .NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation\ directory, and run the following command

ServiceModelReg.exe -r -y

This will ensure that WCF stack is fully installed and navigate to %windir%\Microsoft .NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\ and run aspnet_regiis –iru


Could not load type 'System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpModule' from assembly 'System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089

[Resolution c] : Navigate to %windir%\Microsoft .NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\ and run aspnet_regiis –iru


Hope this would help you save some time...


  • Anonymous
    June 26, 2013
    It helps a lot Amit ,Thanks for sharing !