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My TechEd Europe 2010 Presentations

This week I presented 5 sessions at TechEd Europe 2010 in Berlin. This is my fifth time presenting at TechEd Europe, which just gets better every year! I really enjoyed interacting with everyone who came to my sessions.

As promised, I have uploaded the slide decks for my presentations.

Software Testing with Visual Studio 2010 (Parts 1 and 2) : I combined parts 1 and 2 of my software testing overview talks into one slide deck which you can download at the location above. This is a presentation I have presented a few times in the past, and is designed to help onboard developers and testers alike to the breadth of testing tools and capabilities we offer with Visual Studio 2010 (Microsoft Test Manager, Coded UI Tests, Lab Management, etc.). If you're new to testing with Visual Studio 2010, start here, but keep in mind that the majority of this presentation is demo-driven, so the PowerPoint deck doesn't tell the complete story. You can view the video recordings of this presentation here: Part 1 and Part 2. If you have seen me deliver this presentation before, I added a bit to the coded UI test section this week, so you might be interested in checking out the first half of Part 2 where I spend more time exploring advanced coded UI tests and showing off the new coded UI test editor which will be released later this month.

Applied Software Testing with Visual Studio 2010: This was a brand new session I compiled in order to cover testing best practices, talk about formal vs. agile test case management, Lab Management infrastructure challenges, exploratory testing, test plan evolution, and much, much, more. In preparing for this presentation I quickly realized that I could have easily filled 60 hours with content - unfortunately, as is the case with conference sessions, I had 60 minutes. So this is my attempt to sanitize the most relevant, most requested information into one presentation. There are a lot of hyperlinks in the slide deck which offer a jumping-off point for learning more about most topics I introduced. The video recording for this session is available here. Be sure to download the slide deck to get all of the hyperlinks I referenced.

My other 2 sessions were interactive sessions where I answered questions the entire time and built demos on the fly. Unfortunately these were not recorded, which is a shame since we had some really interesting discussions! But I took notes so I will roll some of those discussions into future presentations I deliver.

Here are some other resources that I mentioned during my session:

If you were at my sessions please take a moment to complete a session evaluation if you haven't already done so. Your feedback helps me fine tune my content, and if you liked it, this helps ensure that I get invited back and continue to invest my time developing content for you.


  • Anonymous
    November 11, 2010
    Great sessions from Brian at Teched.  I recommend that anyone considering using VS2010 for managing their test process watch the 2 parts to the overview.