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Fish vs Sharks: Predator Prey simulation

Many years ago, A.K. Dewdney wrote an article in Scientific American Magazine (December 1984) about a world called Wator, which is a world of fish and sharks. The world is a cellular automaton with each cell being in one of three states: empty, a shark, or a fish.

The world is calculated repeatedly, each cycle being one “year”. There are simple rules about the fish and sharks and their actions in one cycle. They can breed if they’re mature enough and there’s an empty adjacent cell. Litter size is 1. They have a lifetime. If they die of old age, they disappear (no dead bodies anywhere). Fish can move to an adjacent empty cell. Sharks can eat an adjacent fish or move to an empty cell. Sharks starve to death if they haven’t eaten in the last N cycles.

I wrote a program in DeSmet C dated January 1985 to simulate the fish and sharks. I figured it was time I rewrote it using more modern programming techniques.

There are a lot of fun things you can do with the below implementation.  You can manipulate the world by clicking and dragging with the mouse. You can change the cell size, so you can have a bigger world. Watch the patterns emerge as the fish and sharks live through their generations. The Graph button outputs to Excel so you can create a graph of Predator Prey population. Kill all animals so they die quickly, then draw patterns on the screen with the mouse buttons.

Some points:

  • · The code uses WPF with dynamic xaml: the UI elements are created in in-line XML and then processed as XAML, including data binding the UI controls to the C# Class.
  • Fish naturally tend to school together
  • Bunches of sharks tend to chase fish
  • A fish school will grow outward (to empty adjoining cells). That means old fish die in the middle creating empty cells for more births
  • A single shark encountering a school of fish is very happy
  • The initial populations aren’t too relevant: stability seems to occur fairly rapidly
  • The older an animal, the darker it gets (by the gradient parameter)
  • My Surface Pro 3 had the highest resolution (and thus the most cells to process), but is also the fastest of all my machines.

Things to do:

  • Implement a gestational age: how many cycles before a child is born?
  • Implement smell: a shark can smell food
  • Implement a varying speeds: sharks are fast swimmers

In the screenshot, the fish are green and the sharks are red. The controls are on the margins. There’s a large school of fish being eaten from the bottom


Follow the directions  from this post: DPI Aware Sample to create the base project from which we can inherit some immediate mode graphics functionality.

(this is similar to how we subclassed the same sample to create Logo Turtle Graphics in WPF : we’ll just be adding another project to the same solution)

We’ll now add a project to your hWndHost Solution: Right click on the Solution node in Solution Explorer, choose Add New Project->C# WPF Application. Name it “Fish”

In the new project:

Rename MainWindow.Xaml to “FishWindow.Xaml” (which will also rename the .CS file)

In FishWindow.Xaml, change

<Window x:Class="Fish.MainWindow"


<Window x:Class="Fish.FishWindow"

In App.Xaml, change




Right click on the Solution->Fish project and “Set As Startup”, which says ,when you hit F5, or Ctrl-F5 to GO, the project to run is the Fish project.

Hit F5 to test: you should see a blank window. Close it.

Right click on the Logo->References->Add reference, add a reference to the Solution->Projects->hWndHost project.

Paste in the code below to replace FishWindow.Xaml.cs

See also

Cellular Automata: The Game of Life


 //Ideas: add UI, touch to add fish/sharks/reset button/fish or shark move more than 1/
// 8 neighbors maybe, litter
//sharks smell fish
// Gestation length
using hWndHost;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Xml;

namespace Fish
  /// <summary>
  /// Interaction logic for FishWindow.xaml
  /// </summary>
  public partial class FishWindow : Window
    public TextBox _tbxStatus { get; set; }
    public FishWindow()
      WindowState = System.Windows.WindowState.Maximized;
      this.Loaded += (ol, el) =>
            this.Top = 0;
            this.Left = 0;
              // Make a namespace referring to our namespace and assembly
              // using the prefix "l:"
              var nameSpace = this.GetType().Namespace;
              var asm = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(

              var xmlns = string.Format(
@"xmlns:l=""clr-namespace:{0};assembly={1}""", nameSpace, asm);
              //there are a lot of quotes (and braces) in XAML
              //and the C# string requires quotes to be doubled
              var strxaml =
" + xmlns + // add our xaml namespace
@" Margin=""5,5,5,5"">
    <RowDefinition Height=""25"" />
<DockPanel Grid.Row=""0"">
        <ColumnDefinition Width = ""70""/>
        <StackPanel Name=""inputPanel"" 
            <CheckBox Content=""_Running"" 
                IsChecked= ""{Binding Path=IsRunning}"" />
            <CheckBox Content=""_Circles"" 
                IsChecked= ""{Binding Path=UseCircles}"" />
            <CheckBox Content=""_Action1PerYear"" 
                IsChecked= ""{Binding Path=_OneActionPerYear}""
                ToolTip=""Can do only one of move AND eat AND give birth in same year?""

            <Label Content=""ColorGrad""/>
                Text =""{Binding Path=ColorAgeGradient}"" 
                ToolTip=""As an animcal gets older, darken the color 
(256 is max color). 0 makes it go much faster"" />
            <Label Content=""CellWidth""/>
                Text =""{Binding Path=CellWidth}"" 
                ToolTip=""Width of a cell"" />
            <Label Content=""CellHeight""/>
                Text =""{Binding Path=CellHeight}"" 
                ToolTip=""Height of a cell"" />

            <Label Content=""Starve""/>
                Text =""{Binding Path=_SharkStarve}"" 
                ToolTip=""How long a shark can go without eating"" />

            <Label Content=""FishBreed""/>
                Text =""{Binding Path=_FishBreedAge}"" 
                ToolTip=""How old a Fish has to be before it can give birth
(requires neighboring empty cell)"" />
            <Label Content=""SharkBreed""/>
                Text =""{Binding Path=_SharkBreedAge}"" 
                ToolTip=""How old a Shark has to be before it can give birth 
(requires neighboring empty cell)"" />
            <Label Content=""FishLifeLength""/>
                Text =""{Binding Path=_FishLifeLength}"" 
                ToolTip=""How old a Fish is before it dies of old age"" />
            <Label Content=""SharkLifeLength""/>
                Text =""{Binding Path=_SharkLifeLength}"" 
                ToolTip=""How old a Shark is before it dies of old age"" />
            <Label Content=""Rows""/>
                Text =""{Binding Path=nTotRows}"" 
            <Label Content=""Cols""/>
                Text =""{Binding Path=nTotCols}"" 

        <UserControl Name=""MyUserControl"" Grid.Column=""1""></UserControl>
<DockPanel Grid.Row=""1"">
        Value=""{Binding Path=_nDelay}""
        ToolTip=""Change the delay""
        ToolTip=""Write to Excel.Hit these keys 'Alt N, N, Enter'
Alt activates Menu
N(Insert) (N Line chart) Enter (choose default 2D line chart)""

              var bgdOcean = NativeMethods.CreateSolidBrush(
                  new IntPtr(0xffffff));
              var fishBowl = new FishBowl(this, bgdOcean);

              var strReader = new System.IO.StringReader(strxaml);
              var xamlreader = XmlReader.Create(strReader);
              var grid = (Grid)(XamlReader.Load(xamlreader));
              grid.DataContext = fishBowl;

              _tbxStatus = (TextBox)grid.FindName("tbxStatus");
              var btnQuit = (Button)grid.FindName("btnQuit");
              btnQuit.Click += (ob, eb) =>
              var btnGraph = (Button)grid.FindName("btnGraph");
              btnGraph.Click += (ob, eb) =>
                var oldIsRunning = fishBowl.IsRunning;
                  fishBowl.IsRunning = false;
                  // write to Excel
                  // Hit these keys "Alt N, N, Enter"
                  //  Alt activates Menu
                  // N(Insert) (N Line chart) Enter (choose default 2D line chart)

                  var tempFileName = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(
                catch (Exception)
                  // if file in use by Excel, just ignore
                if (oldIsRunning)
                  fishBowl.IsRunning = true;
              _tbxStatus = (TextBox)grid.FindName("tbxStatus");
              var userCtrl = (UserControl)grid.FindName("MyUserControl");
              userCtrl.Content = fishBowl;
              this.Content = grid;
              this.SizeChanged += (os, es) =>
              btnQuit.ToolTip = @"Fish vs Sharks Program by Calvin Hsia
Per A.K. Dewdney article on Wator, December 1984 Scientific American

            catch (Exception ex)
              this.Content = ex.ToString();
    protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
      if (!e.Handled)
  // a textbox that selects all when focused:
  public class MyTextBox : TextBox
    public MyTextBox()
      this.GotFocus += (o, e) =>

  public class FishBowl : MyHwndHost, INotifyPropertyChanged
    public StringBuilder _sbStatus;
    FishWindow _wndParent;
    public static FishBowl _Instance;
    bool _ResetRequired;
    bool _StopRequested;
    public Random _random = new Random(1);
    public IntPtr _hdc;
    public Cell[,] _cells;

    // Calculated values:
    private int _nTotRows;
    private int _nTotCols;
    public int nTotRows
      get { return _nTotRows; }
      set { if (_nTotRows != value) { _nTotRows = value; RaisePropChanged(); } }
    public int nTotCols
      get { return _nTotCols; }
      set { if (_nTotCols != value) { _nTotCols = value; RaisePropChanged(); } }

    public int _nCurrentSharks;
    public int _nCurrentFish;
    public int _nYearCurrent; // how many generations

    public IntPtr _BgdBrush;
    public int _nDelay { get; set; }

    bool _UseCircles;
    public bool UseCircles
      get { return _UseCircles; }
      set { _ResetRequired = true; _UseCircles = value; EraseRect(); }

    public bool _OneActionPerYear { get; set; }

    bool _IsRunning = false;
    public bool IsRunning
      get { return _IsRunning; }
        if (_IsRunning != value)
          if (value) // if we're starting
            if (_StopRequested)
              while (_StopRequested)
                //    DispatcherPriority.Background,
                //    new System.Threading.ThreadStart(() => System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1)));
            if (_nCurrentFish == 0 || _nCurrentSharks == 0)
              _ResetRequired = true;
            if (_ResetRequired)
              InitWorld(null, null);
            _StopRequested = false;
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) =>
              _IsRunning = true;
              _hdc = NativeMethods.GetDC(_hwnd);
              while (!_StopRequested)
              _StopRequested = false; // indicate no pending stop
              NativeMethods.ReleaseDC(_hwnd, _hdc);
              var rect = new NativeMethods.WinRect();
              NativeMethods.GetClientRect(_hwnd, ref rect);
              NativeMethods.ValidateRect(_hwnd, ref rect);
          {// we're stopping
            _StopRequested = true;
          _IsRunning = value;

    int _CellWidth;
    public int CellWidth
      get { return _CellWidth; }
      set { _CellWidth = value; _ResetRequired = true; }

    int _CellHeight;
    public int CellHeight
      get { return _CellHeight; }
      set { _CellHeight = value; _ResetRequired = true; }
    public int _SharkInitPct { get; set; }
    public int _FishInitPct { get; set; }
    int _colorAgeGradient;
    public int ColorAgeGradient
      get { return _colorAgeGradient; }
      set { _colorAgeGradient = value; _ResetRequired = true; }
    public int _FishBreedAge { get; set; }
    public int _SharkBreedAge { get; set; }
    public int _FishLifeLength { get; set; }
    public int _SharkLifeLength { get; set; }
    public int _SharkStarve { get; set; }
    public int _FishNumMovesPerYear { get; set; }
    public int _SharkNumMovesPerYear { get; set; }

    public FishBowl(FishWindow wndParent, IntPtr hBgd)
      : base(hBgd)
      //changing these requires resetting the fishbowl
      _colorAgeGradient = 1;
      _FishInitPct = 10;
      _SharkInitPct = 10;

      CellWidth = CellHeight = 10;
      //these can be changed while running
      _SharkStarve = 6;
      _FishBreedAge = 3;
      _SharkBreedAge = 5;
      _FishLifeLength = 22;
      _SharkLifeLength = 33;

      _FishNumMovesPerYear = 1;
      _SharkNumMovesPerYear = 1;

      _wndParent = wndParent;
      _Instance = this;
      _BgdBrush = hBgd;
      _wndParent.Closing += (o, e) =>
            _StopRequested = true;
    public void InitWorld(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
      IsRunning = false;
      _sbStatus = new StringBuilder();
      nTotRows = (int)(this.ActualHeight * yScale / CellHeight);
      nTotCols = (int)(this.ActualWidth * xScale / CellWidth);
      _cells = new Cell[nTotRows, nTotCols];
      _nCurrentFish = _nCurrentSharks = 0;
      _nYearCurrent = 0;
      for (var row = 0; row < nTotRows; row++)
        for (var col = 0; col < nTotCols; col++)
          _cells[row, col] = new Cell(row, col);
      _ResetRequired = false;
    void DoGenerations()
      if (_nCurrentFish > 0 || _nCurrentSharks > 0)
            () =>
              if (!_StopRequested)
                _wndParent._tbxStatus.Text = this.ToString();
      // first, for each cell, determine what happens:
      // animals can move to adjacent empty cells
      // randomly alternate between scanning (top-bottom/left to right) and backwards
      var forward = _random.Next(100) < 50;
      var rowStart = 0;
      var colStart = 0;
      var rowEnd = nTotRows;
      var colEnd = nTotCols;
      var rowInc = 1;
      var colInc = 1;
      if (!forward)
        rowInc = colInc = -1;
        colEnd = rowEnd = -1;
        rowStart = nTotRows - 1;
        colStart = nTotCols - 1;
      for (var row = rowStart; row != rowEnd; row += rowInc)
        for (var col = colStart; col != colEnd; col += colInc)
          _cells[row, col].CalcGeneration();
          // we can't draw yet, because other cells could affect us
      foreach (var cell in _cells)
        if (_StopRequested)
          return; // fast exit. Draw is much slower than Calc
      if (_nDelay > 0)
    public void Validate()
      int nSharks = 0;
      int nFish = 0;
      foreach (var cell in _cells)
        if (cell._animal is fish)
        if (cell._animal is shark)
      Debug.Assert(nFish == _nCurrentFish, "# fish mismatch");
      Debug.Assert(nSharks == _nCurrentSharks, "#sharks mismatch");
    bool _DidItAlready = false;
    public override void OnReady(IntPtr hwnd)
      _ResetRequired = true;
      if (!_DidItAlready)
      { // avoid deadlock while changing DPI
        _DidItAlready = true;
        //                IsRunning = false;
          IsRunning = true;
          // called on resize too
          //InitWorld(null, null);

    internal void OnSizeChanged()

    // get neighboring cells in random order
    // edges wrap around
    int[] _RandOrder = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
    public List<Cell> GetRandomNeighbors(Cell rootCell)
      var res = new List<Cell>();
      // first we shuffle the direction
      for (int i = 0; i < _RandOrder.Length; i++)
        int tmp = _RandOrder[i];
        int j = _random.Next(_RandOrder.Length);
        _RandOrder[i] = _RandOrder[j];
        _RandOrder[j] = tmp;
      for (int i = 0; i < _RandOrder.Length; i++)
        int nRow = rootCell._nRow;
        int nCol = rootCell._nCol;
        switch (_RandOrder[i])
          case 0: // North
            if (nRow == 0)
              //nRow = _nMaxRows - 1;
          case 1: // South
            if (nRow >= nTotRows - 1)
              //nRow = 0;
          case 2: // West
            if (nCol == 0)
              //nCol = _nMaxCols - 1;
          case 3: // East
            if (nCol >= nTotCols - 1)
              //nCol = 0;
        res.Add(_cells[nRow, nCol]);
      return res;
    public override string ToString()
      return string.Format("Gen= {0} #Fish={1} #Sharks={2}",

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    void RaisePropChanged([CallerMemberName] string propName = "")
      if (PropertyChanged != null)
        PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propName));

    internal Cell GetCellFromCoordinates(double x, double y)
      Cell result = null;
      if (x > 0 && y > 0)
        int row, col;
        col = (int)(x * xScale / FishBowl._Instance.CellWidth);
        row = (int)(y * yScale / FishBowl._Instance.CellHeight);
        if (col < nTotCols && row < nTotRows)
          result = _cells[row, col];
      return result;
    internal void onMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
      var pos = e.GetPosition(this);
      var cell = GetCellFromCoordinates(pos.X, pos.Y);
      if (cell != null)
        if (Mouse.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
          cell._MouseButton = MouseButton.Left;
          if (Mouse.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
            cell._MouseButton = MouseButton.Right;
  public class Cell
    public int _nRow;
    public int _nCol;
    public MouseButton? _MouseButton;
    IntPtr _priorBrush = IntPtr.Zero;
    NativeMethods.WinRect _winRect
        var rect = new NativeMethods.WinRect(
            FishBowl._Instance.CellWidth * _nCol,
            FishBowl._Instance.CellHeight * _nRow,
            FishBowl._Instance.CellWidth * (_nCol + 1),
            FishBowl._Instance.CellHeight * (_nRow + 1)
        return rect;
    public animal _animal; // null is empty, else fish or shark
    public Cell(int nRow, int nCol)
      _nRow = nRow;
      _nCol = nCol;
      var nRand = FishBowl._Instance._random.Next(100);
      if (nRand < FishBowl._Instance._FishInitPct)
        _animal = new fish();
        nRand -= FishBowl._Instance._FishInitPct;
        if (nRand < FishBowl._Instance._SharkInitPct)
          _animal = new shark();
          _animal = null; // no animal

    public void KillCurrentAnimal()
      if (_animal != null)
        if (_animal is fish)
        _animal = null;
    public void CalcGeneration()
    {// see what happends to this cell
      if (_MouseButton.HasValue)
        var button = _MouseButton;
        _MouseButton = null;
          var baby = Activator.CreateInstance(
            button == MouseButton.Left ? typeof(fish) : typeof(shark)
          _animal = (animal)baby;
          _animal._nDateOfLastChildBirth = FishBowl._Instance._nYearCurrent;
          _animal._nDateOfLastAction = FishBowl._Instance._nYearCurrent;
          _priorBrush = IntPtr.Zero; // recalc color for cur cell
      // is it a shark? does it die of starvation?
      if (_animal != null && !_animal.Survives())
      if (_animal != null
          && (FishBowl._Instance._OneActionPerYear ?
          !_animal.DidSomethingInCurrentYear : // moved in current yr
      { // if still alive
        var neighborCells = FishBowl._Instance.GetRandomNeighbors(this);
        // sharks eat 1 adjacent fish
        bool fDidEat = false;
        if (_animal is shark)
          // find first fish in neighbors
          var foodCell = neighborCells.Where(
              c => c._animal is fish
               && c._animal.Age > 0 // don't eat babies
          if (foodCell != null)
          {// eat the fish! and move shark to where food was
            _animal._nDateOfLastMeal =
            foodCell._animal = _animal;
            _animal._nDateOfLastAction = FishBowl._Instance._nYearCurrent;
            _priorBrush = IntPtr.Zero; // recalc color for cur cell
            fDidEat = true;
            if (_animal.CanBreed) // replace current cell with baby cuz mama moved
              _animal._nDateOfLastAction = FishBowl._Instance._nYearCurrent;
              var baby = Activator.CreateInstance(_animal.GetType());
              foodCell._animal._nDateOfLastChildBirth = FishBowl._Instance._nYearCurrent;
              _animal = (animal)baby;
              _animal = null; // shark moved, so current cell empty
        if (!fDidEat) // if cell still occupied by original animal (didn't move)
          var emptyNeighborCell = neighborCells.Where(
              c => c._animal == null
          if (emptyNeighborCell != null)
            // Breeding
            if (_animal.CanBreed)
              // old enough to breed: have a baby
              // 100% fertility rate
              var baby = Activator.CreateInstance(_animal.GetType());
              emptyNeighborCell._animal = (animal)baby;
              _animal._nDateOfLastChildBirth = FishBowl._Instance._nYearCurrent;
              _animal._nDateOfLastAction = FishBowl._Instance._nYearCurrent;
              _priorBrush = IntPtr.Zero; // recalc color for cur cell
            {// can't breed AND move
              var nMoves = _animal.NumMovesPerGeneration;
              for (int i = 0; i < nMoves; i++)
                // moving to neighbor cell
                _animal._nDateOfLastAction = FishBowl._Instance._nYearCurrent;
                emptyNeighborCell._animal = _animal;
                _animal = null;
                _priorBrush = IntPtr.Zero; // recalc color for cur cell
                if (i + 1 < nMoves)
                { // could move back to original cell
                  neighborCells = FishBowl._Instance.GetRandomNeighbors(this);
                  emptyNeighborCell = neighborCells.Where(
                      c => c._animal == null
                  if (emptyNeighborCell == null)
    static IntPtr _penBlank = IntPtr.Zero;
    public void Draw()
      IntPtr clrBrush = FishBowl._Instance._BgdBrush;
      if (_animal != null)
        clrBrush = _animal.GetColorFromAge();
      if (clrBrush != _priorBrush)
        var rect = _winRect;
        if (FishBowl._Instance.UseCircles)
          if (_penBlank == IntPtr.Zero)
            _penBlank = NativeMethods.CreatePen(
                0, // pen Style 
                new IntPtr(0xffffff)// color
          // get a pen for the outline and brush for the inside
          NativeMethods.SelectObject(FishBowl._Instance._hdc, _penBlank);
          NativeMethods.SelectObject(FishBowl._Instance._hdc, clrBrush);
          NativeMethods.FillRect(FishBowl._Instance._hdc, ref rect, clrBrush);
        _priorBrush = clrBrush;
    public override string ToString()
      return string.Format("({0},{1}) {2}",
          _animal != null ? _animal.ToString() : string.Empty);
  public abstract class animal
    public int _nDateOfBirth;
    public int _nDateOfLastChildBirth;
    public int _nDateOfLastAction;
    public int _nDateOfLastMeal;
    public int Age
      get { return (FishBowl._Instance._nYearCurrent - _nDateOfBirth); }
    public abstract int BreedAge { get; }
    public abstract bool Survives();
    public abstract int NumMovesPerGeneration { get; }
    public abstract IntPtr GetColorFromAge();

    public animal()
      _nDateOfBirth = _nDateOfLastAction = FishBowl._Instance._nYearCurrent;
    public virtual bool CanBreed { get { return Age > BreedAge; } }

    public virtual bool DidSomethingInCurrentYear
      get { return _nDateOfLastAction == FishBowl._Instance._nYearCurrent; }
    protected IntPtr CalcColor(IntPtr[] brushTable, int baseColor, int colorMult)
      int ndxToUse = 0; ;
      var coloradj = Math.Min(Age * FishBowl._Instance.ColorAgeGradient, 255);
      if (coloradj > 0)
        coloradj *= colorMult;
        ndxToUse = Math.Min(Age, 255);
      var clr = baseColor - coloradj;
      if (brushTable[ndxToUse] == IntPtr.Zero)
        brushTable[ndxToUse] = NativeMethods.CreateSolidBrush((IntPtr)clr);
      return brushTable[ndxToUse];
    public override string ToString()
      return string.Format("{0} DOB={1}", this.GetType().Name, _nDateOfBirth);
  public class fish : animal
    static IntPtr[] _brushes = new IntPtr[256];
    public fish()
    public override int BreedAge { get { return FishBowl._Instance._FishBreedAge; } }
    public override int NumMovesPerGeneration
      get { return FishBowl._Instance._FishNumMovesPerYear; }
    public override IntPtr GetColorFromAge()
      // 0x00BBGGRR
      return CalcColor(_brushes, baseColor: 0xff00, colorMult: 256);
    public override bool Survives()
      var survives = Age <= FishBowl._Instance._FishLifeLength;
      return survives;
  public class shark : animal
    static IntPtr[] _brushes = new IntPtr[256];

    public shark()
      _nDateOfLastMeal = FishBowl._Instance._nYearCurrent;
    public override bool Survives()
      var survives = Age < FishBowl._Instance._SharkLifeLength;
      if (survives &&
          FishBowl._Instance._nYearCurrent - _nDateOfLastMeal >= FishBowl._Instance._SharkStarve
        survives = false;
      return survives;
    public override int BreedAge { get { return FishBowl._Instance._SharkBreedAge; } }
    public override int NumMovesPerGeneration
      get { return FishBowl._Instance._SharkNumMovesPerYear; }
    public override IntPtr GetColorFromAge()
      // 0x00BBGGRR
      return CalcColor(_brushes, baseColor: 0xff, colorMult: 1);



  • Anonymous
    December 13, 2018
    I wrote a super deluxe version of this in C#. Have a look at the windows installer download or the video. Cheers.