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New England Code Camp 14 – Save the Date!

CodeCampI’m glad to announce that the date is set and venue reserved for our 14th Code Camp, a free, full day of knowledge sharing and networking! (What is a Code Camp?)

    New England Code Camp 14
Saturday, October 2nd, 2010

    201 Jones Road, 6th floor
    Waltham, MA

Registration and Calls for Speakers and Sponsors will be coming later, but in the meantime, mark your calendar and get ready to join hundreds of your fellow developers for this great community event!


Organization and Thanks

Special thanks to Patrick Hynds for stepping up to volunteer to help lead the organization of this event!  Many of you know Patrick, as he has been a long time supporter of the community (and among many other things, is a Microsoft Regional Director here in the northeast), so it’s fantastic to have him involved.

Stay tuned for other details and opportunities for you to participate.
