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Canadian Web Developers' Blog

All the topics you like in one place

If you read this, it’s because you follow this blog for one way or another. In the spirit of...

Date: 04/20/2012

Top 10 resources for HTML5 developers

If you tell me you never heard about HTML5, I won’t believe you. It’s everywhere and we...

Date: 03/19/2012

The eradication of Internet Explorer 6 off the planet

I know, you still hear about Internet Explorer 6. This browser was born 10 years ago and some people...

Date: 03/06/2012

Awesome tools you can use to build your next HTML5 website or application

Even if the actual version of HTML as been discussed for a couple of years now, it is fairly new. We...

Date: 02/21/2012

What the heck is Responsive Web Design?

As a Web developer, we need to think about many devices, screen sizes and orientations. It’s...

Date: 02/15/2012

How to get up to speed with a new technology

You are in front of your computer, wanting to learn a new technology for your job, or because you...

Date: 02/12/2012

Javascript and CSS Minifying/Bundling with the Microsoft.Web.Optimization Nuget package

This blog post is a guest post from Maxime Rouiller. If you want to make blog post about Web...

Date: 01/20/2012

Learn HTML5 at Confoo

Ever wanted to learn more about HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript? You want to discover what you can...

Date: 01/13/2012

We’ll be right back after this break…

Thanks Pierre for this post… Hello folks, Today started very very early, we were leaving the hotel...

Date: 11/29/2011

Is your browser secure?

Choosing a browser is also a choice around security. Most of what we do on the computer today is in...

Date: 11/27/2011

TechDays 2011–Keynote for Montreal

Each big conference attendee who’s signed up for conferences is looking for a Keynote. TechDays...

Date: 11/25/2011

Techdays Montreal 2011–Something New, Hands On Labs!

Yes – you can have this feeling of accomplishment these two guys are feeling when we took this...

Date: 11/24/2011

New HTML5 user group in Montreal

Do you know HTML5? We heard about this everywhere, and I have to admit that I am a fan. I know that...

Date: 11/22/2011

Awesome resources for Developers Tools, Languages and Framework track at TechDays

I don’t know for you, but each time I go to a conference, I always want to put my hands into...

Date: 11/04/2011

Everything You Need for TechDays Toronto

  There’s always lots to do when it comes to getting ready for a conference (especially if...

Date: 10/23/2011

How to Pin a Website And Why to Pin a Website

This is a great blog post from Susan Ibach about the pinning feature in Internet Explorer. I think...

Date: 10/17/2011

Console.Log : Say Goodbye to JavaScript Alerts for Debugging!

Admit it, you’ve done it. You have a bug somewhere in your web page and you add an alert to popup a...

Date: 05/26/2011

AzureFest Makes A Surprise Visit to Calgary This Weekend

AzureFest is making a surprise visit to Calgary this weekend! If you haven’t yet heard of AzureFest,...

Date: 04/26/2011

AzureFest Meets the East Coast

East Coast, after many hours of logistics discussions and preparations, AzureFest is coming your...

Date: 04/17/2011

Azure At the Movies: Get In The Cloud

When was the last time you had a chance to go to the movie theatre during the day? More importantly,...

Date: 04/15/2011

Deploying a Ruby App to the Cloud

We’ve discussed interoperability and Windows Azure when we walked through deploying a simple PHP...

Date: 03/27/2011

AzureFest: Taking Your Traditional Web Apps to the Cloud

Last week, we talked about deploying a PHP app to the Cloud and WordPress to the Cloud. But we...

Date: 03/22/2011

Web junkies, here we come

At Microsoft, we can talk about a lot of things related to the technology and that are helpful for...

Date: 03/18/2011

Deploying a PHP App to the Cloud: A Simple App

  As part of Microsoft's continued commitment to interoperability, the Windows Azure platform...

Date: 03/10/2011