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8 Minute Demo – OIS-SCOM Multi-Option Initiation

I know, I know, you don’t hear from me in forever, and here I am cranking out two videos/posts in one day. What is the world coming to?

Ok, for what you came here for…

The following video is pretty simplistic. It illustrates the capability within Opalis in which workflows can be initiated from various places. In fact, for this video, I walk you through three different Initiation Options:

  1. Alert Initiated – SCOM
  2. Operator Initiated – Opalis
  3. Operator Initiated – SCOM

Now for those truly devout readers/watchers, this topic may feel a bit familiar… Indeed it is. A WHILE back, I posted a video entitled, “8 Minute Demo – Opalis Manual Workflow Initiation”. In this video I walked you through, in great detail, the second of the above listed methods for manually initiating workflows.

Once again, let’s watch as we cover off on a couple old methods, as well as introduce a very cool new one!
