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Register for the Silicon Valley Code Camp–See Scott Guthrie and the Microstang!

I know this is more of a developery sort of thing, but developers write the cool stuff that runs on the platforms we all know and love.

The Silicon Valley Code Camp is coming up on October 6th and 7th in of course….Silicon Valley. According to the SVCC Website, there are currently *215* Sessions being made available from a who’s who of well known speakers. You might think that being in Silcon Valley that there wouldn’t be much that applies to the world of Microsoft, but there are actually a lot of great session being delivered that developers can leverage when working on a Windows platform -

We will even have our very own Scott Guthrie on site! He is delivering a two-part session -  “Windows Cloud Walkthrough” Sessions with Scott Guthrie. If you want to know what is going on with Microsoft and the cloud, there is no better person to hear it from than ScottGu.

Now I don’t want to take anything away from the great speakers and sessions that are going to be delivered, but I think the coolest part of the event will be seeing the Microsoft Mustang – the Microstang – a customized Ford Mustang complete with Windows 8 powered touch console, XBox 360, rear windshield projection screen and more….





Register for the Silicon Valley Code Camp right now!

