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TechNet Radio: How Microsoft IT Streamlined PCI Compliance….

I recently interviewed Principal Security Architect Man Nguyen for TechNet radio to discuss how Microsoft IT created a process to track, manage and report PCI compliance at Microsoft. This was performed by leveraging System Center, Windows Server and SQL Server solutions. Tune in as we discuss ways in which his team is supporting PCI requirements as well as best practices and future integration plans using Windows Azure.

  • [4:42] Describe some of the challenges your team had to overcome with regards to PCI requirements?
  • [15:13] How did Microsoft IT meet these requirements?
  • [26:20] What does the future look like for PCI DSS and cloud computing?
  • [32:37] What are some best practices you can share with us?



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Step #1 – Download Windows Server 2012
Step #2 – Download Your FREE Copy of Hyper-V Server 2012
Step #3 – Start Your Free 90 Day Trial of Windows Azure


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