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Windows Azure Infrastructure as a Service is now open for business!

For the past year, our Worldwide IT Pro Evangelism teams have been speaking to customer’s about Windows Azure Infrastructure as a Service. We have been showing off preview versions of Windows Azure Active Directory Services, Windows Azure Virtual Machines and more.

Today we move from “preview” to general availability! What this really means is that we have moved from “beta” to “production” and these services are now fully ready for prime time!

Not only have we made these services available for production, we have also added some new features and enhancements -

New high memory VM instances (28GB/4 core and 56 GB/8 core) to run your most demanding workloads.

New Microsoft validated instances including SQL Server, SharePoint, BizTalk Server, and Dynamics NAV (and more!)

More competitive pricing (21% – 33% reduction for IaaS and PaaS workloads)

Windows Azure Virtual Networks – to securely connect on premise to Windows Azure

Default OS disk size increase

Remote PowerShell commands enabled by default


Get your Windows Azure 90 Day Free Trial NOW!  



If you haven’t tested out Windows Azure Infrastructure as a Service yet, now is the time to do so! The Windows Azure 90-day Trial is FREE! Within minutes you can get signed up and have your first virtual machines provisioned in the cloud. From there it is easy to start testing out all of the new features!


Get your Windows Azure 90 Day Free Trial NOW!  

Windows Azure Infrastructure Services Landing Page

Windows Azure Infrastructure Services Support Forums

ScottGu’s Blog - Windows Azure: General Availability of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Windows Azure Developer Center

The official announcement is posted here – Windows Azure Team Blog – The Power of ‘And’

