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The Demo Showcase Team Photo

Hopefully, you are all aware of the Demo Showcase team line up - if not, you can review my earlier post here :)

Given that the new season is about to get underway, the people from that fine organisation Contoso got together to have their photo taken, in true football/soccer style.

Contoso Team Photo

As well as pictures, you can also find team profiles for each individual (although you'll need to at least be a registered Microsoft partner to access in depth information) such as demographics, work, psychographics, a day in the life and roles and responsibilities on the Demo Showcase home.

Now, is it just me or do others think that Tim Litton, IT Manager at Contoso should have a nice sideline business running as a Tom Hanks lookalike?

Tom Hanks Tim - Contoso IT Manager

Ciao for now :)