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The Demo Showcase & The IT Decision Maker

I was out at Touchstone last week, catching up with a few old acquaintances and discussing the opportunity for Microsoft in the Business Intelligence arena as well as pitching Demo Showcase.

I received some good feedback on the viability and usage of the Demo Showcase and one of the areas that was focused on was the IT Decision Maker (ITDM).  There are three campaign aligned demonstration scenario areas for ITDM in Demo Showcase:

  • Optimize Your Application Platform Infrastructure
  • Optimize Your Business Productivity Infrastructure
  • Optimize and Secure Your Core Infrastructure

Each of these areas can be used to help ITDM's understand solutions to typically business and IT challenges faced

Of course, one of my standard gags is how Tim Litton, Contoso IT manager bears great resemblance to Tom, famous movie star.  Steve Sydee, Business Development Director at Touchstone also pointed out that after a heavy night or two on the tiles, the resemblance to Angel from the Rockford files was also evident... See for yourself, can you spot the difference?  If anybody has any more, I'd love to hear from them :)

 Tom - IT Manager LookalikeTim - IT Manager Angel - IT Manager Lookalike

From our partner website, you can also listen to Steve talking about how Touchstone have used Demo Showcase.

Ciao for now :)
