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The EVOlution Tour...Day 1, at Bristol IMAX

Surprisingly, I was first up. I felt the need to provide my roommate Steve Marsh, the main man presenting today with some time and space so that he could get his head sorted in time for the presentation he was about to deliver so a 6am alarm call was the order of the day...plenty of time for sleeping later.

Everyone piled on the tour bus with plenty of time to spare apart from the recent recruits from the Microsoft graduate programme, James Senior and Matt McSpirit who turned up ten minutes late...come on boys, time to join the new world of work now! James also amused us all on embarking with a cracking question “Is this the bus?” No James, we just flagged it down and are all just sat on it waiting for the real one to turn up!!!

Off to the Bristol IMAX we went to proceed with the setup and calibration of kit and cinema screen...fair play to the event crew, JDP who were simply awesome, nothing too much trouble, thanks folks J To be honest, crew and presentation team together, I don’t think I’ve seen so many smiles since the old days of acid house when I was at school and used to wear loads of them yellow badges!