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What Does the Demo Showcase Look Like (in Reality?)

Well, I posted the box shots, so here's the actual goods...  Basically, what you get when you pop them there DVD's into your machine is a nice little index...

Demo Showcase Index

This is where you could, if you so wished, look to sort out a list of technology demos... Or, if you are smart, you can try to align them by Campaign, Role and Customer (even a combination of) to help understand business pain points within any given organisation...

Demo Showcase Filter

So, in this example I've chosen Midmarket as the example customer and Finance as the role I'm looking to talk to and as you can see, it filters me down to a few sample demonstration scenario's...  Clicking more information is a useful little thing to do next...

Demos Showcase More Information 15_F

Finally, the only other option left is to view the script, here's a sample...

Demo Showcase Script 15_F

What next, launch the VPC's and run through the scenario, in real time...only another 44 to review...Indeed!!!

In all seriousness, this for me is a fantastic sales aid which can help businesses understand how to approach customers when selling solutions.  Note that this is indeed the emphasis here, to help transition from product to solution selling.  Interested in selling more, cross selling, upselling??? Tempted to take a look at the Demo Showcase yet?

You bloomin' well should be!!!

If you want to hear first hand evidence from partners around the benefits they have gained from using this during it's pilot phase in the UK, listen to Karen Dallyn from Lynx and Steve Sydee from Touchstone.

Ciao for now :)