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How to debug compiler generated code

Edit 2/8/2010: Update for recent F# language changes


James Margetson recently showed me a great tip for debugging compiler generated code. Typically the problem is that using the Visual Studio debugger all you see is the x86 disassembly of the JIT-ed methods, but what you really need is the IL opcodes that F# compiled down to with the x86 under that. Fortunately all the tools you need to do this come with the .Net SDK. Consider the following, bugged F# program:


// Simple F# program

open System

type Season =

    | Spring

    | Summer

    | Fall

    | Winter

    override this.ToString() =

        match this with

        | Spring -> "Spring"

        | Summer -> "Summer"

        | Fall -> "Fall"

        | Winter -> "Winter"

type SeasonUtils = class

    // Gets the next season

    static member GetNextSeason season =

        match season with

        | Spring -> Summer

        | Summer -> Fall

        | Fall -> Winter

        | Winter -> Spring


    // Gets the current name of the season by calling .ToString()

    static member GetSeasonName (season : Season) = season.ToString()

    // Returns the current season

    static member CurrentSeason () =


        // Convert a list of months and tupifies them with the target season

        let genSeasonTuples monthRange season =

            monthRange |> (fun monthInd -> (monthInd, season))

        // Map of (months * season) pairs

        let monthSeasonList = (genSeasonTuples [1 .. 2] Spring) // Who likes March anyways?

                              @ (genSeasonTuples [4 .. 6] Summer)

                              @ (genSeasonTuples [7 .. 10] Fall)

                              @ (genSeasonTuples [11 .. 12] Winter)

        let monthSeasonMap = Map.ofList monthSeasonList


        let currentMonthIndex = DateTime.Now.Month



// Code in our main module

printfn "(attach debugger and press any key)"


let currentSeason = SeasonUtils.CurrentSeason()

printfn "Current season = %s" (SeasonUtils.GetSeasonName(currentSeason))

Console.WriteLine("(press any key)")



If you run it and break into a debugger, all you see is the x86 disassembly with the F# code on top. (As you can see quite a bit gets lost when looking at F# -> x86).


000001e0 call 7891820C

000001e5 mov esi,eax

000001e7 mov dword ptr ds:[001A3184h],esi

let currentSeason = monthSeasonMap.[currentMonth]

000001ed call dword ptr ds:[001A6898h]

000001f3 mov esi,eax

000001f5 call dword ptr ds:[001A689Ch]

000001fb mov edi,eax


What we would like to do is break the source program into its native IL-level. To do this you can use ILDasm.exe, a managed code disassembler. To get the IL code for an assembly, type:

ildasm foo.exe / /SOURCE


The /SOURCE parameter included the original source code (from foo.exe.pdb) in the output IL. The result is the following code in ‘’:


    .method public static string GetSeasonName(class Codefile/Season season) cil managed


      // Code size 9 (0x9)

      .maxstack 3


//000025: // Gets the current name of the season by calling .ToString()

//000026: static member GetSeasonName (season : Season) = season.ToString()

      IL_0000: ldarg.0

      IL_0001: tail.

      IL_0003: callvirt instance string [mscorlib]System.Object::ToString()

      IL_0008: ret

    } // end of method SeasonUtils::GetSeasonName

So now we have the IL, but that doesn’t help us debug a live instance of foo.exe. Enter ILAsm.exe, which will ‘round trip’ disassembled IL code and build a new assembly. This seems strange, since we don’t gain anything. (The IL code is exactly the same.) But, ILAsm.exe has a debug flag which will generate a new PDB file which contains debugging information for not the F# lines of code, but the IL instructions themselves. And, since we included the /SOURCE flag when we disassembled the assembly the F# code is included as comments. Type:

ilasm /DEBUG


Now, if we run the program and debug it, rather than using the .fs file as the source language we use, and the disassembly display should show the F# source code along with the generated IL. For example:



//000045: let currentMonthIndex = DateTime.Now.Month

      IL_010f: call valuetype [mscorlib]System.DateTime [mscorlib]System.DateTime::get_Now()

000004bb lea ecx,[ebp+FFFFFF40h]

000004c1 call 78EDAAE8

      IL_0114: stloc.s '$struct-addr@45'

000004c6 lea edi,[ebp-40h]

000004c9 lea esi,[ebp+FFFFFF40h]

000004cf movq xmm0,mmword ptr [esi]

000004d3 movq mmword ptr [edi],xmm0

      IL_0116: ldloca.s '$struct-addr@45'

000004d7 lea esi,[ebp-40h]

      IL_0118: call instance int32 [mscorlib]System.DateTime::get_Month()

000004da mov ecx,esi

000004dc call 78F080BC

000004e1 mov dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFF3Ch],eax

      IL_011d: stloc.s currentMonthIndex

000004e7 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFF3Ch]

000004ed mov dword ptr [ebp-38h],eax

Now while debugging you can get a complete picture of what’s going on under the hood. It gives you an appreciate of how much the CLR abstracts the machine and how much F# abstracts the CLR.


  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2008
    Fantastic! Thanks for the tip Chris.

  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2008
    Awesome i didn't knowed anything about this...