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Seven things you didn't know about me

I blame SoCalDevGal.

1. I have not watched television news for the past six years. My recently acquired TV is not even connected to receive television channels.

2. I am not from Zambia. I was born near Cape Town in South African but travel on a Dutch (The Netherlands) passport; and for those of you who followed the link off SoCalDevGal's blog: for now I live in Dubai, UAE.

3. The only music in my last two cars has been Nightwish.

4. My three years of motorcycle riding fun in South Africa was all on Learner's Licenses - never did get the full license!

5. Windows Server 2008 was running on more of my laptops than Vista until just a month ago.

6. Until I joined Microsoft in Dubai I knew more about BizTalk than Team Foundation Server.

7. I consider this tagging fad equivalent to chain letters and SPAM. Shame on your for clicking! ;)

Let me try to pull more Microsofties and regional MVPs into this tagging frenzy:

Emmanuel Birech

John Paul Cook

Mostafa Arafa

Bashar Lulu

Loay Olabi

Fadi Atteya

Bilal Okour

Here are the rules if you are tagged:

  • Link your original tagger(s), and list these rules on your blog.
  • Share seven facts about yourself in the post - some random, some weird.
  • Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
  • Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs and/or Twitter


  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2009
    Hi Anton, Happy New year Antony :) ,Very interesting facts,but it's not weird to me. Thanks for tagging me.