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FBA site fails to open correctly

When you configure the user account for the application pool that the Default Site or the Contemporary Site will use per the product installation guide, typically referred to as the RunTimeUser account, you may see an issue where the FBA site will not open correctly but the NTLM site opens fine. This is seen by the site map provider not rendering correctly and no product category data being seen. Other content that appears in the NTLM site may not be seen as well.

There is a permission missing for ctlg_CatalogReaderRole on a stored procedure that can be corrected by running the script below on the product catalog database.

/* Grant permission to ctlg_CatalogReaderRole */
GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[ctlg_GetPropertyDefinitionLanguages] TO [ctlg_CatalogReaderRole]

Another option or workaround is to change which role permissions are granted to the RunTimeUser account on the product catalog database.

By default the role permissions on the product catalog database are setup as:

Database User Account Role Permission
<site_name>_ProductCatalog RunTimeUser ctlg_catalogReaderRole Inventory_RuntimeRole


If you use the following role permissions the issue will be resolved.

Database User Account Role Permission
<site_name>_ProductCatalog RunTimeUser ctlg_catalogWriterRole Inventory_RuntimeRole

This option will resolve the issue but is not ideal as it will grant the RunTimeUser greater permissions than it needs.

If you would like a product update on this issue so that you do not need to perform these steps every time you deploy either the Default Site or the Contemporary Site in Commerce Server 2009 please contact Microsoft Commerce Server Support.