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More reasons i like C++

Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall

 CNamedItemTable::AddIfNotSet(class ATL::CStringT<unsigned short,class

 ATL::StrTraitATL<unsigned short,class ATL::ChTraitsCRT<unsigned short> > >

 const &,class CSmartPtr<class CGlyph,class CGlyph,class

 CDefaultSmartPointerTraits<class CGlyph> >)" (?AddIfNotSet@CNamedItemTable@@


SmartPtr@VCGlyph@@V1@V?$CDefaultSmartPointerTraits@VCGlyph@@@@@@@Z) referenced

 in function "private: long __thiscall CTypeData::BindHelper_BaseNameToGeneric(

class CInheritance &,class CBindData const &,struct LocationContext &,enum

NamespaceInclusionFlags::_Enum,class CTypeRef *,struct INameProvider * *)"



eProvider@@@Z) TypeData.obj



Ohhhhh, of course... how useful!! Name mangling is awesome!




Edit: Adding picture for clarification




  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2005
    I thought I read somewhere that the error message in the upcoming VC++ 2005 are improved for readability and understandability?!?
  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2005
    I think that's pretty disingenuous, really, given that it does actually give you the unmangled name that it's looking for.

    The more legitimate concern (as in, the issue that's responsible for more confusion) is that it undoes typedefs. Though it's obvious why it does this it would be nice if there were a way to reverse the substitution (akin to what stlfilt does). Of course, doing this in a general and useful way is left as an exercise for the reader....
  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2005
    Hi Cyrus,
    Probably (well, certainly) not useful in your specific context here above but, anyway, that's a perferct time for me to mention a tool that has been very useful when I was trying to decrypt error messages from the STL:

    Believe me, sometimes STL error messages are even more unreadable than the one you show.
  • Anonymous
    March 25, 2005
    DrPizza: Disingenuous how? That's exactly the error message i got in my task list from the linker. I wouldn't mind a "simple error" saying:

    Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void CNamedItemTable::AddIfNotSet"

    and the more complicated one, but really, all i'm left with is having to decipher that message, which really isn't that easy frankly.
  • Anonymous
    March 25, 2005
    David: Very cool! Thanks for that tip!
  • Anonymous
    March 25, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    March 25, 2005
    DrPizza: Yes i am.

    The mangled names are included in that mess, so i'm forced to try and twease it apart when looking at it. It would still be difficult with typedef's expanded, but a lot easier than when i'm trying to figure out what's going on and i'm seeing thigns like (?
    AddIfNotSet@CNamedItemTable@@QAEXABV?$CStringT@GV?$StrTraitATL@GV?$ChTraitsCRT@G@ATL@@@ATL@@@ATL@@V?$CSmartPtr@VCGlyph@@V1@V?$CDefaultSmartPointerTraits@VCGlyph@@@@@@@Z) jammed into the middle of it.

    I mean !@#!$(!#!()@!# it @!#!(#!)@(#!)@(* isn't @!#!)_(#@!@#)(@ to (#!@#!)@ read !)@#!@#(!)@_ something @!#!(&@#!@) that @!#!@#! has #$(%$#(@% stuff !@#_!@#) like !@#!@)# this !@)#_(%^&*$# interspersed.

    Unless you like perl that is :)

    And, it wasn't being disengenous. There are merely compounded factors here and i was pointing out the one i was having the most difficulty with.

    If you have no problem with the mangling but do with the typedefs, more power to you.
  • Anonymous
    March 26, 2005
    Actually, I think the name mangling is useful. You would never know the name the linker was actually looking for if you couldn't see the mangled name.

    The real problem here is the presentation. Like DrPizza said, a way to "undo" all the typenames back to their typedefs would help, and so would a more functional output window.

    I think the error as formatted below would help:

    Error 1 error LNK2019:
    unresolved external symbol:
    public: void CNamedItemTable::AddIfNotSet([click to view parameter list])
    [click for mangled name]

    referenced in function:
    private: long CTypeData::BindHelper_BaseNameToGeneric([click to view parameter list])
    [click for definition]

    The problem with most error messages that come up in template based code is their length. It's almost impossible to decipher the error messages that span 10 full length lines in the output window, no matter who you are. I think it would be helpful if there was a better method of getting to each individual piece of error message data.
  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2005
    "Yes i am. "
    No, you're not.

    "The mangled names are included in that mess, so i'm forced to try and twease it apart when looking at it."
    Then there's either something wrong with you, or I have some incredible power that you don't. 'cos when I get linker errors, I don't bother looking at the mangled names. Why not? Because they're 99.99% of the time meaningless gibberish. So why waste my time with looking at them? It doesn't provide me with any extra insight into the problem, so I just ignore them. And as soon as I ignore them, any problems related to name mangling being confusing and messy and kludgy instantly vanish. It's really rather clever.

    And since (surely?!) the linker inserts a linebreak between the referenced function and the referencing function, the mangled garbage isn't really "jammed into the middle", but rather "dangling on the end". If it doesn't put in a linebreak there, it ought to.
  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2005
    But I still don't get why because what on earth is compelling you to read the mangled names? Just because they're there?
  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2005
    I've added a picture for clarification purposes.

    You say "But I still don't get why because what on earth is compelling you to read the mangled names? Just because they're there?"

    Because when i look at that on my screen my eyes are drawn toward th emangled portion. I do not know why that is, it's simply the way my eyes and brain work. Maybe it's all the


    portions. It's very heavyweight and it seems to drown out the rest of the text for me. Who knows.

    As someone mentioned, it would be quite nice if things were trimmed down into something simple and immediately grokkable with a way to get at the full info.

    The VS2005 debugger does that with + signs where they hide a lot of stuff that they figure woon't be useful to you by default. If, for example, i just saw:

    Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
    "public: void __thiscall CNamedItemTable::AddIfNotSet
    + Expand for full Error

    then i'd have a much easier time with this. As it is, the presentation of the mangled names into the view is decidely inconvenient for me.
  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2005
    the title should really be "more reasons i like visual c++", since there is nothing in C++ standard that states the rules for name mangling or what compiler should output. so this is clearly having to do with the compiler/linker you are using, not C++ per se. of course, i'm aware that most compilers would produce similar message, but nothing stops the compiler team to add more helpful messages.
  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2005
    zdeslav: good point!
  • Anonymous
    March 28, 2005

    Can I ask what IDE you are using? You say "The VS2005 debugger does that with + signs where they hide a lot of stuff that they figure woon't be useful to you by default.", which makes it seem as if you are not using VS2005, but the picture you added definately does not look like VS2003.
  • Anonymous
    March 28, 2005
    Chris: I'm using VS2005.

    I'm confused about your confusion. :)
  • Anonymous
    March 29, 2005
    ChrisR: the VS2005 debugger uses + signs to hide detailed info; the VS2005 compile/link error list window does not.
  • Anonymous
    March 29, 2005
    @Cyrus: Sorry for the confusion. I missed the part where you said "debugger".

    @Timbo: Thanks for the clarification.
  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2009
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