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Club Site Starter Kit Project is recruiting

Zack Owens is looking for volunteers to assist with a new open source CodePlex project that builds onthe existing Club Site Starter Kit. Some of the features he's looking to add include:


  • Bug Fixes
  • Forums
  • FCK Editor
  • Web Administration
  • Poll Control
  • RSS
  • AJAX
  • Themes
  • Searching
  • CMS-like text editing
  • News page formatted for printing
  • Selectable monthly, weekly, or daily calendar views
  • Calendar pages formatted for printing
  • ASPNETDB.mdf into the main DB
  • Blogs


The project is hosted on CodePlex at and you can email Zack to join at:


I'm definitely going to track progress on this one...if I had time to contribute, I would, specifically to add a "League Module" that would enable a Club site to manage a league. You could create multiple leagues with different skill levels (beginner, int, advanced), add/manage teams on a specific skill level, add/manage players on a specific team, add/manage the league schedule (auto schedule generator would rock) and of course track all the league standings including team and player stats. The challenge is in making this generic enough so that you can have a hockey or baseball league, in the same way that the Collection Manager Starter Kit is multi-purpose.


In any case, sign up :)


  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2007
    Hmmm.... looks like we have to start a league tracker :)

  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2007
    ASP.NET AJAX and SharePoint [Via: ScottGu ] A Free, FreeTextBox Alternative [Via: brendan ] Now Available:...