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Happy Halloween!!!

This is my favorite holiday of the year.  I love the spookiness, the creepy, and the fact that I get to dress up and be someone else all day!  :)  Those of you who have been reading this blog for awhile know my love of pirates.  This year, I decided to dress up as Captain Morgan.  (expect a picture to be posted here in the near future!)

I've been on the road this week, so will be celebrating Halloween in Seattle.  I was actually looking for a hat for my costume (it's tough to find a red pirate hat, let me tell you!)  I used Windows Live Search on my mobile phone to locate a Halloween store in Portland.  Unfortunately, they didn't have anything that would work, but lo and behold -- in the mall was (and I'm not even kidding here) a pirate store.  That's right -- an entire store devoted to pirate gear.  I picked up a black hat and stopped into Michael's for some red felt in hopes that I can make the black hat red.  It remains to be seen.  But, while I was in the pirate store, I actually got a text from my good friend, John Weston, who, in a weird cosmic coincidence, was letting me know about the ability to set the language on my Facebook site to "pirate"!!!  :)

Anyway -- no tech talk in this post -- just wanted to wish you all a Happy Halloween!

Technorati Tags: Halloween,Captain Morgan
