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2017 年 Azure データ関連サービス振り返り

Microsoft Japan Data Platform Tech Sales Team

大蔵 一功

2017 年も残り数日となりました。本年最後の投稿となりますので、2017 年に発表された Azure の データに関連するサービスを列挙したいと思います。こちらの Blog ページから、データに関連するサービスのみ抜粋しました。

2017 年 1 月 - 3 月

Azure SQL Database is increasing read and write performance New Azure Storage Release – Larger Block Blobs, Incremental Copy, and more! SQL Database Query Editor available in Azure Portal Enhanced Automated Backup for SQL Server 2016 in Azure Virtual Machines Announcing Custom Speech Service (Preview) from Microsoft Cognitive Services SQL Data Warehouse now supports seamless integration with Azure Data Lake Store Announcing general availability of Managed Disks and larger Scale Sets Announcing real-time Geospatial Analytics in Azure Stream Analytics Announcing Azure SQL Database Premium RS, 4TB storage options, and enhanced portal experience DocumentDB: API for MongoDB now generally available Announcing new capabilities of HDInsight and DocumentDB at Strata Azure Data Factory offers SAP HANA and Business Warehouse data integration

※ DocumentDB は、現在 CosmosDB として提供されています。

2017 年 4 月 - 6 月

Announcing general availability of Azure HDInsight 3.6 Azure Search releases support for synonyms (public preview) Announcing Azure Analysis Services general availability Microsoft Cognitive Services – General availability for Face API, Computer Vision API and Content Moderator Introducing on Azure HDInsight Azure IoT Suite connected factory now available Announcing Azure Stream Analytics on edge devices (preview) Announcing Azure Time Series Insights Cloudera now supports Azure Data Lake Store More GPUs, more power, more intelligence Azure Cosmos DB: The industry’s first globally-distributed, multi-model database service Announcing Azure Database for PostgreSQL Preview Announcing Azure Database for MySQL Public Preview New options to modernize your application with Azure SQL Database Azure Database Migration Service announcement at //build Introducing Video Indexer, a cloud service to unlock insights from your videos Event Hubs Capture (formerly Archive) is now Generally Available

2017 年 7 月 - 9 月

Resumable Online Index Rebuild is in public preview for Azure SQL DB Database Scoped Global Temporary Tables in public preview for Azure SQL DB Root cause analysis and time exploration updates to Azure Time Series Insights Data Management Gateway - High Availability and Scalability Preview Imanis Data - Cloud migration, backup for your big data applications on Azure HDInsight Preview: SQL Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) with Bring Your Own Key support New performance levels and storage add-ons in Azure SQL Database Faster compute optimized performance tier for Azure SQL Data Warehouse New in Stream Analytics: Output to Azure Functions, built-in anomaly detection, etc. Diving deep into what’s new with Azure Machine Learning Announcing tools for the AI-driven digital transformation At Ignite, Microsoft is updating its Cognitive Services collection of intelligent APIs Introducing SQL Vulnerability Assessment for Azure SQL Database and on-premises SQL Server! Azure Data Factory – announcing new capabilities in public preview Azure SQL Database and Data Warehouse VNET Service Endpoints public preview Announcing Virtual Network integration for Azure Storage and Azure SQL

2017 年 10 月 - 12月

Announcing new Azure VM images: SQL Server 2017 on Linux and Windows Embed Stunning Visuals into your Apps with Power BI Embedded- Generally Available Bing Search API v7 and Bing Custom Search are now generally available Transactional replication to Azure SQL Database is now generally available Automatic tuning will be a new default New NVIDIA GPUs coming to Azure accelerate HPC and AI workloads A technical overview of Azure Databricks MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and MySQL: more choices on Microsoft Azure Dear Cassandra Developers, welcome to Azure #CosmosDB! Expanding AI tools and resources for developers and data scientists on Azure Azure Stream Analytics now available on IoT Edge Microsoft announces the general availability of Azure Time Series Insights Announcing the general availability of Azure #CosmosDB Table API Pre-announcing the general availability of Azure #CosmosDB Gremlin (Graph) API Automatic tuning introduces Automatic plan correction and T-SQL management Resumable Online Index Rebuild is generally available for Azure SQL DB Database Scoped Global Temporary Tables are generally available for Azure SQL DB Announcing the General Availability of Azure Bot Service and Language Understanding, enabling developers to build better conversational bots Azure HDInsight Integration with Azure Log Analytics is now generally available Announcing Apache Kafka for Azure HDInsight general availability Enterprise Security Package preview for Azure HDInsight


こうして振り返ると 2017 年だけでも、多くのサービスのリリースやアップデートがありました。

既に、2018 年も多くのサービスのリリースが予定されております。現時点の Azure のロードマップについては、こちらで公開しております。



本年も本ブログをご愛顧いただき、誠にありがとうございました。来年も充実した内容をお届けできるよう努めてまいりますので、引き続き、 本ブログをご愛顧いただきますよう、よろしくお願い申し上げます。

Microsoft Data Platform Tech Sales Teams 一同