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Only 1 Week To TechEd Developer in Barcelona

Time flies. I have just realised that next week it's that most glamorous and glitzy European developer event of the year - TechEd. I'll be there - I am responsible for the Office and Unified Communications tracks, and I can promise you we have some great sessions and speakers lined up, so I hope to  see you there. The team caught me on camera giving my tracks a plug - check it out.

I am also helping deliver one of the sessions:

OFF403 Workflow in Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies 2007: Deep Dive for Developers

Ted Pattison , David Gristwood

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 leverage the Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) to provide users with the ability to administrate and run workflow programs on documents and list items. This session takes a deep dive into the architecture that WSS builds on top of WF to integrate workflow templates and workflow associations with sites, lists and document libraries. You will also see a complete demonstration of how to create a custom SharePoint Workflow Template from scratch using Visual Studio. Along the way you will also see how to integrate both .ASPX forms as well as InfoPath forms into a custom SharePoint Workflow solution. The session will conclude with a discussion of best practices for packaging and deploying a custom workflow solution in a staging or production environment.

Thu Nov 8 09:00 - 10:15 Auditorium

I hope the "Auditorium" is one of the small cozy rooms where we can get together and have a bit of chat  . . .