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David LeBlanc's Web Log

Implementation vs. Design Defects

I got a comment to my last post that's worth following up on: Can you comment on what percentage of...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 12/18/2007

Securing Existing Code

Just read Michael Howard's post about differentiating secure features, security features and...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 12/17/2007

How to cause a regression

This one isn't really security related, except that we security people often want to get rid of old...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 12/13/2007

More on Sandboxing – Network Implications

Larry Osterman's post (er, rant) (found here -...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 11/02/2007

Writing Secure Code 3

It seems like every time I've gone out in public recently, I've been asked when we were going to...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 10/17/2007

Checking Password Complexity

Michael put some sample code into WSC2 that showed people how to check passwords using the...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 10/11/2007


My last post triggered a couple of responses and a URL I thought would be good to not get lost in...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 10/03/2007

C++ operator overloading trivia

Learned something interesting this week that I'll be working into SafeInt 3. It all started out...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 10/02/2007

On the Other Hand…

In my previous post on threat models, I pointed out situations where TM's are either a complete...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 10/01/2007

Blog Comment Spam is Really, Really, Really Annoying

I keep getting spam from some bunch of (expletives deleted) as comments to the blog. It's all: Nice....

Author: david_leblanc Date: 09/19/2007

Threat Modeling the Bold Button is Boring

I've been reading Larry Osterman's blog lately – he's a smart guy, and one of the very first people...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 09/19/2007

Office 2003 SP3

We've just released SP3 for Office 2003, and it's been a lot of work. We're releasing a bit more in...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 09/18/2007

DREAD and the PHB

Sometimes when I present about secure programming practices, I emphasize education for PM's,...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 08/14/2007


Both the STRIDE and DREAD systems Michael and I documented in Writing Secure Code have been...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 08/14/2007

More on C++ code auditing

Just now had a chance to take a look at the presentation I referenced last post. It's fairly long...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 08/10/2007

Avoiding C++ vulnerabilities

Just returned from Blackhat – it always seems that the presentations I most want to see happen at...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 08/03/2007

Practical Windows Sandboxing – Part 3

The third tool we need in order to create a sandboxed app is a desktop. We've said in many places...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 07/31/2007

Practical Windows Sandboxing, Part 2

Once you have a process in a restricted token, the next tool you can use to limit what it can do is...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 07/30/2007

Logon ID SIDs

I've mentioned logon ID SIDs a couple of times, but they're fairly arcane. I first ran into them...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 07/29/2007

Practical Windows Sandboxing – Part 1

I've written more than once about how interesting restricted tokens are – the earliest article was...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 07/27/2007

Security Dependencies Follow-up

Someone asked how dependencies should be handled if you're depending on another team at the same...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 07/26/2007

Process Tokens and Default DACLs

I ran up on something the other day that isn't very well documented in one place. When you're...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 07/26/2007

Misc Ramblings

Sorry about not posting recently – been distracted by a bunch of stuff. One of the more fun...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 06/12/2007

More on Exception Handlers

Sitting here at "Blue Hat" watching David Maynor present – pretty cool working for a company that...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 05/10/2007

Is it a Read, Write or Execute AV?

I didn't find this documented in the Visual Studio documentation, but it is in the latest Windows...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 05/01/2007

Fun with Template Specialization

Hannes Reuscher of the PowerPoint team turned me on to this cool C++ trick, and I used it...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 04/27/2007

Why Threads Are A Bad Idea

My friend Tim Dodd found this presentation back when we worked together at ISS somewhere around...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 04/20/2007

Some Failures Are Better Than Others

I was presenting at the Software Security Summit yesterday – good little conference. It's a shame...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 04/17/2007

Crashes Are Bad, OK?

It's interesting to see what happens when you get slashdotted… Let's go back and see what I said in...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 04/16/2007

It Might Not Be A Vulnerability If…

There's some things that just aren't vulnerabilities. If the exploit starts with "First become...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 04/10/2007

Exception Handlers Are Baaad

I've said a lot of times that incorrect use of exception handlers will get you hacked. I go into...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 04/04/2007

Even More Cool Integer Tricks

OK, so this is just utterly geeky, and would really only come in handy if you're writing something...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 04/01/2007

Being Part of the Solution

One of the comments to my last post asked how someone could be part of the solution, as opposed to...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 04/01/2007

Word 2007 Blog Feature’s Password Handling

I knew about the blog feature – hard not to notice when every time you go to make a new document, it...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 03/29/2007

What's still exploitable?

OK, just throwing this out, hoping for some interesting comments - if you have NX, ASLR, and...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 03/27/2007

Impersonation isn't dangerous

I was called to task because in Writing Secure Code for Windows Vista, I asserted that from the...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 03/25/2007

Economics of the Vulnerability Finding Game

A friend of mine loaned me a book - "Hidden Order: The Economics of Everyday Life", by David...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 03/22/2007

More Fun with Integers

Just a quick note this morning to share something I found while finishing up SafeInt 3.0. This is...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 03/21/2007

Finally starting a blog

I have been putting this off for a while. Not out of concern with sharing myself in public - I've...

Author: david_leblanc Date: 03/20/2007
