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Windows Azure: March 2009 CTP!!!

OK folks, so all the announcements have been made for Mix, so it’s time to get cranking!

We have a new release of tools and SDK bits.

First, you’ll need to install some pre-reqs, but only if you are going to exploit some of the new capabilities:

Hotfix: Native Debugging Improvements (Tools only; and only if you intend to do native debugging)

Hotfix: Support for FastCGI on the Development Fabric (SDK and Tools; but only if you intend to use the FastCGI capabilities)

IIS7.0 URL Rewrite Module (SDK Only; and only if you are using URL rewrite rules)

If you don’t plan to use native code, FastCGI or URL rewriting, then don’t worry about the pre-reqs above.

Then, the tools and/or SDK. One big thing to note about the March release is we now have two install options:


Technorati Tags: Windows Azure,SDK
