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Video Series Follow-Up and Improvements

Edit: I understand many of you are having a hard time downloading the source code. I am working on finding space for the download somewhere on the Microsoft systems. I will update here with the new URLs when that is fixed, hopefully today or tomorrow. I also hope to directly host the WMV files in whatever space I find for them, so you won't need to depend on the MSN video streaming. Stay tuned!

WOW! The response to the XNA series has been great. I received a lot of constructive feedback and requests, and here are the statuses of those requests.

Q: The project doesn't build! I am missing Softimage.XWImporter.dll and XSIXNARuntime.dll!

A: First of all, make sure you have the XNA add-in for XSI installed: (free download) Then, You can find these references in the installation directory of SOFTIMAGE|XSI Mod Tool at the following path:


Q: Your enormous ZIP download keeps timing out.

A: I will be putting it over on Windows Live SkyDrive as soon as I can get another quick upload connection, hopefully this week as I am currently in close proximity to the Redmond campus. (Too bad I can't just run over and copy the file directly to my SkyDrive)

Q: Can I download the videos in a different format (full video, Zune, something other than Soapbox)?

A: I am working on it - I know it would be helpful to avoid the streaming so you can use the player of your choice.

Stay tuned and keep asking questions. I'm interested in how I can better facilitate your learning process. Thanks for the interest!
