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AFHOLDT: UNLEASH - Innovation Lab 2017

I august 2017 er Danmark vært for det første UNLEASH - Innovation Lab. Microsoft er stolt partner på initiativet, det samler 1000 af de klogeste, unge mennesker i 9 dage Danmark. Projektet går ud på finde holdbare løsninger til 7 af FN's 17 klimamål og selve setuppet er helt vildt ambitiøst og har fået over 200 partnere til at kaste sig ind i kampen. Indtil 2030 vil der hvert år afholdes en konference i et nyt land med et nyt fokus. Og hver gang er meningen, at der skal komme rigtige løsninger på rigtige problemer ud af det.

Professor i nanoteknologi og formand for Carlsberg Fonden, Flemming Besenbacher, har startet UNLEASH - læs mere om ham her...

Nedenfor er lille snip af, hvad deltagerne skal igennem under de 9 dage i Danmark - læs selv mere på

"The talents go through a facilitated process of innovation, uniquely tailored by UNLEASH. They form teams to explore real-life challenges within the 7 themes from multiple angles, before defining specific problems and coming up with preliminary solutions. These are tested with leading experts and company partners, then refined, and ultimately presented to peers and panels of judges and mentors.
The SDG Innovation Challenge takes place at 10 Folk High Schools, unique learning institutions located in the Danish countryside. Folk High Schools focus on personal development, open collaboration, and hands-on learning, and these approaches inform the SDG problem-solving to unlock new perspectives.
At the end of this rapid-fire innovation process, each team of Talents have a draft SDG solution, implementation plan, and presentation – getting them ready for the final stage in Aarhus!"


  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2017
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