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Web 2.0 Patterns

During the last decade software patterns emerged as one of the most successful forms of reuse. The Gang of Four 23 Design Patterns, the POSA Architecture Patterns, Fowler's Enterprise Application Patterns, or the xUnit Test Patterns (to name just a few) changed in a fundamental way the way we craft software.

If you are involved with applications that employ:

  • Folksonomies
  • Microformats
  • REST, XML, or JSON-based APIs
  • AJAX and RIAs
  • Syndication and aggregation (RSS, Atom)
  • Mashups
  • Blogs, wikis, social media, or other types of user-generated content

and are interested in patterns covering these topics then join us at the Web 2.0 Pattern Mining Workshop at the TOOLS-Europe 2008 conference, the 46th International Conference on Objects, Models, Components and Patterns. Participation in the workshop is open to anybody who could contribute to Web 2.0 patterns. See the call for participation online and drop me a line if you have questions.
