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Dynamics CRM 2011 Missing privileges for Security Role triggering errors in Sales Entities view


You cannot view Sales Entities within the organization – following error message is displayed:

“An error occurred. Please wait a few moments and try again. If the problem persists, contact a system administrator”.


Privilege (Principal user (Id=2a73fc21-ed42-e211-b205-984be16d8e52, type=8) is missing prvReadmsdyn_wallsavedqueryusersettings privilege (Id=32200693-74cf-47a0-acc7-4f6f8549907a), ErrorCode: -2147220960); MessageProcessor fail to process message 'RetrieveMultiple' for 'msdyn_wallsavedqueryusersettings'.


According to the following article:

Custom Entities Tab

The following table lists the privileges shown in the security role editor custom entities tab. Note that there will be one row added for each custom entity.


Privilege documentation





msdyn_wallsavedqueryusersettings (Wall View) Entity Privileges


prvReadmsdyn_ wallsavedqueryusersettings

prvWritemsdyn_ wallsavedqueryusersettings

*Appears if the Activity Feeds solution is installed. This solution is always installed for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online.


To enable these privileges in CRM 2011, check the following steps:

Go to Settings --> Administration --> Security Roles --> the customer's Sales customized role (i.e. Sales Manager, Sales etc.)

Go to Customer Entities tab --> grant User or Organization (green bullet) access --> Under Read column select Filter and Wall View

Save & Close

For more information on Security Models, please visit:


Best Regards

Dynamics CRM Team


  • Anonymous
    October 29, 2014
    Good article. I had a very similar problem, but the privilege in question was Principal team is missing prvReadQueue. In my google search, I was hoping to learn exactly what the principal team was. And, if there is a principal team, if that means users with multiple teams must be assigned a principal team.