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Exchange Connections Spring 2007

I'll be presenting at Exchange Connections (Spring/April 2007) conference at 9:30am on Monday, April 2nd, during "Microsoft Day".

Here's the session abstract:

EMS05: Managing Exchange Server 2007: The New Exchange Management Console and Shell
Evan Dodds
Imagine having a toolset that is flexible enough to easily deploy and administer a single Exchange server and yet powerful enough to completely automate those same actions for hundreds of servers. Yes, you heard right, Exchange Server 2007 will deliver a new intuitive GUI experience allowing you to quickly provision Exchange functionality while the new command-line experience will allow you to automate your world. This session is loaded with demonstrations showing off the new Exchange 2007 toolset and also highlights the underpinnings of this new revolutionary architecture which is built on the groundbreaking Windows PowerShell technology.

This is an Exchange 2007 "system management" session (covering both Console GUI and the Management Shell) so there'll be some good demos and views into the Exchange 2007 sysmgmt changes from both perspectives.

Added bonus: I'm going to be using a beta SP1 machine for my demos, so you'll get a chance to see some of the cool, new SP1 GUI too.

Hope to see you there!