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Event Hubs at Ignite 2016!

We had an awesome time at Ignite 2016 last week in Atlanta and hope you did too! For those of you who weren't able to make it, below is the short and sweet version. Slides from both presentations: Ignite 2016 - Services Update     Ignite 2016 - Real World Messaging

We had two different presentations while we were there. Our service update focused on a few announcements we have had over the past months that we think you'll be pretty excited about:

  1. A cleaner customizable portal
  2. Support for native Java client on Proton-J
  3. Core CLR client
  4. Event Hubs Archive
  5. Support for connections to: VM Agent, Functions, API Management, Apache NiFi
  6. Dedicated capacity with single tenant clusters at fixed prices

Our second presentation was a Customer use case deep dive by TransAlta - a huge shoutout goes out to Kent Weare of TransAlta for coming to present on how they use Azure and Event Hubs to manage a global energy operation. Click here for the full recording.

Finally, we are splitting Namespaces. Going forward, Namespaces can only host a single type of entity (i.e. Queues & Topics, Event Hubs, or Relay). This will make it easier to use the services and scale efficiently. Don't worry your existing use cases will be safe - we are auto-migrating this fall.

Azure Event Hubs is handling 3.8 trillion requests per week at a 99.9976% success rate.

Happy Event-ing!