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A new champion for HealthVault developers

I’m quite excited to be able to point you at Ali Emami’s inaugural post over at the HealthVault developer blog. Ali has taken on the role of technical lead for the HealthVault app platform --- meaning that he’ll spend all day making our partner experience and ecosystem better. He’ll deliver sample code, work one-on-one with partners, speak and participate at conferences, improve our documentation and SDKs, represent issues back to the engineering team, and all the other stuff that comes with creating seamless experiences for users and developers.

Ali has been part of the HealthVault team since before we launched --- as a core developer and architect, and most recently driving incubations and our participation in the Direct Project (he also happens to be the author of our Office365 / Direct how-to guide). He’s an awesome, super-smart guy and I am really excited for him to become an external face for HealthVault.

This is a new role and a big investment for us, but Ali will also be replacing support you may have had from Eric and Vaibhav, both of whom have gone on to their next adventures (Vaibhav will continue to be part of the HV world --- watch out for him!). I wanted to say a quick thanks to those two for the tireless work they’ve done for years, often on their own time, supporting HV developers. Can’t wait to see all the great things Ali will do with actual time to focus on the problem!

So stop by and say hey to Ali over on the HV blog … or at HIMSS in a couple of weeks … and get building that app you’ve been thinking about. We can help!