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Forefront Online Security for Exchange

One of the news items we announced with the April 16 introduction of the Business Ready Security strategy was the update/renaming of Exchange Hosted Filtering.  The service is now called Forefront Online Security for Exchange (FOSE.)  It is the first Forefront Online service, providing protection of inbound and outbound email - including Exhange and other solutions -  from spam, viruses, phishing and email policy violation. The FOSE service level agreements include Five 9s uptime, email delivery of < 1 minute, 100% protection vs. known email viruses, capture of 98% of all inbound spam and less than 1 in 250k false positives.

FOSE received a lot of press attention with our announcement prior to the RSA Conference, such as this article on CNET.

Below is a diagram of the service.
