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MCT Summit Keynote and what I learned


I just did my keynote. Seemed to have been received quite well ;-) Now the guys with the CIMG0394Starwars costumes are on stage...

I had some conversations I really have to think about... I'll be back on that...

What I observed is that the technical trainer audience is very special in several ways. They seem to be very critical regarding speakers. This is totally obvious because if you work everyday by giving talks to a crowd of people you look differently at people giving talks.

The other thing is that I was astonished by the answers on the questions like "Do you blog?", "Do you do online teaching?"... It seems that there is a lot of opportunity. I think we all agree that live long learning is no more visionary thing. It is reality. Learning without a teacher is not as effective as it can be. I saw a number showing that people tend to be more loyal to their company if the company invests into their knowledge (this is easy to understand: If you invest in me being always valuable... is there any question to ask??). On the flip side online can make the learning experience so much cheaper, make it longer lasting (not 4 days in a year but over weeks or months always a little).

So I think we should really rally to build a mixed experience of online, offline, self-paced, teacher driven...


