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TechNet Radio

Happy Friday everyone!

Just a real quick post to point out a TechNet Radio interview that is available for your listening pleasure! Check it out here. The interview is about Advanced Group Policy Management, which will be released as a part of the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack. It adds some awesome features to the GPMC, offline editing, role based delegation, offline editing, difference reporting, offline editing, rollback, offline editing, workflow etc. (Did I say offline editing?) It is really one of those products that clearly responds to customer requests. It really helps better control the Group Policy environment. Imagine a world with no more 'career limiting configuration choices'

Anyway, enjoy the radio show and let us know what you think. Check back because we will be posting on AGPM along with other new things to expect from the Group Policy product team.

Have a fantastic weekend!


Kevin Sullivan
Lead Program Manager
Group Policy