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Video streams of PDC sessions on Windows Azure

If you weren't able to attend the PDC or did but missed any of these keynotes/sessions, the video streams for some are already up and actually really good quality (go Silverlight!). I'll update the links as they come on live but for now feel free to check out the ones with live links below.

  • Day 1 Keynote - (stream) - Demo happens around the 35 minute mark.
  • A Lap Around Windows Azure - (stream)
  • Developing and Deploying Your First Windows Azure Service - (stream)
  • Essential Cloud Storage Services - (stream)
  • Day 2 Keynote 2 (The Don & Chris Show) - (stream)
  • Modeling Data for Efficient Access at Scale - (stream)
  • Windows Azure: Programming in the Cloud - (stream)
  • Cloud Service Development Best Practices - (stream)

You can find all of the sessions and keynotes here also--tons of good stuff.

Update (10/31 @ 10:25am): Updated the rest of the links.
