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Use IronPython to Experiment .NET Libraries

When working on .NET projects, we often need to find the right API or the proper parameters to pass in to a particular method. Usually we search MSDN or turn to other search engines to solve such issue. Some people, however, prefer first-hand experience over search; they perfer experimenting or playing with a small piece of C# or VB.Net code. These people probably should consider using IronPython, which I found can save a lot of edit-save-compile-run cycles.

For example, suppose I want to make sure I understand the functionality of Path.GetTempFileName and Path.GetRandomName before using either API in my code. This is how I would do in IronPython:

D:\IronPython > IronPythonConsole.exe
>>> import System
>>> from System.IO import *
>>> Path.GetTempFileName()
'C:\\Documents and Settings\\username\\Local Settings\\Temp\\tmpEE7.tmp'
>>> Path.GetRandomFileName()

We see the instant functionality result with 4 lines of python code. No Ctrl+S, No csc.exe or vbc.exe... Another example: the tricky method String.Format(string, object). Sometimes we need to tweak the formatting string, rebuild the entire solution several times to get the expected string. Let us try to format a long number to 8-char hex. After trying a few different things based on my vague memory, finally I get what I want.

>>> from System import *
>>> String.Format("{0,8:X}", 12345678)
' BC614E'
>>> String.Format("{0,X8}", 12345678)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File , line 0, in input##37
File , line 0, in Format
File , line 0, in AppendFormat
File , line 0, in FormatError
SystemError: Input string was not in a correct format.
>>> String.Format("{0:X8}", 12345678)

Don't like typing? IronPythonConsole keeps the history, so we can use up/down key to get our previous codes back, and then do a little more editing. Or we can save the method object first, and easily have more String.Format fun ( time you want to play with code snippets when reading blogs, try doing so with IronPython...)

>>> f = String.Format
>>> f("{0:X8}", 12345678)
>>> f("{{0:X8}}", 12345678)
>>> f("{{{0:X8}}}", 12345678)

Just another FYI: 1.0 Beta1 also shipped a winform version console: IronPythonWindowConsole.exe, which provides similar typing experience like VS IDE intellisense.

Let me finish this post with an experiment with System.Reflection.BindingFlags (seems this is really confusing). I will try with the type of System.Random; Reflector shows this type as follows (I will only focus on these 8 methods):

 [Serializable, ComVisible(true)]
public class Random
      // Methods
      public Random();
      public Random(int Seed);
      private double GetSampleForLargeRange();
      private int InternalSample();
      public virtual int Next();
      public virtual int Next(int maxValue);
      public virtual int Next(int minValue, int maxValue);
      public virtual void NextBytes(byte[] buffer);
      public virtual double NextDouble();
      protected virtual double Sample();

      // Fields

>>> import System
>>> from System import *
>>> from System.Reflection import *
>>> r = Random( )
>>> t = r.GetType()
>>> gm = t.GetMethods
>>> gm()
System.Reflection.MethodInfo[](Int32 Next(), Int32 Next(Int32, Int32), Int32 Next(Int32), Double NextDouble(), Void NextBytes(Byte[]), System.Type GetType(), System.String ToString(), Boolean Equals(System.Object), Int32 GetHashCode())
>>> _.Length
        It also includes 4 public methods defined in System.Object; and no private/protected methods
>>> bf = BindingFlags
>>> gm(bf.Public)
        Nothing returned if only specifying Public, need another flag?
>>> gm(bf.Public | bf.Static)
        This can not tell much, since Random does not have static methods.
>>> gm(bf.Public | bf.Instance)
System.Reflection.MethodInfo[](Int32 Next(), Int32 Next(Int32, Int32), Int32 Next(Int32), Double NextDouble(), Void NextBytes(Byte[]), System.Type GetType(), System.String ToString(), Boolean Equals(System.Object), Int32 GetHashCode())
        Looks same as gm() returned? Actually gm() returns static methods too, but for this example, Random does not have any.
>>> gm(bf.Public | bf.Instance | bf.DeclaredOnly)
System.Reflection.MethodInfo[](Int32 Next(), Int32 Next(Int32, Int32), Int32 Next(Int32), Double NextDouble(), Void NextBytes(Byte[]))
        DeclaredOnly will not return the 4 methods defined in System.Object
>>> gm(bf.NonPublic | bf.Instance)
System.Reflection.MethodInfo[](Double Sample(), Int32 InternalSample(), Double GetSampleForLargeRange(), System.Object MemberwiseClone(), Void Finalize())
>>> _.Length
        Get back protected method Sample() here, and another 2 private methods defined in Sample; also 2 methods from System.Object
>>> gm(bf.Public | bf.NonPublic | bf.Instance)
System.Reflection.MethodInfo[](Double Sample(), Int32 InternalSample(), Int32 Next(), Double GetSampleForLargeRange(), Int32 Next(Int32, Int32), Int32 Next(Int32), Double NextDouble(), Void NextBytes(Byte[]), System.Type GetType(), System.Object MemberwiseClone(), System.String ToString(), Boolean Equals(System.Object), Int32 GetHashCode(), Void Finalize())
>>> _.Length
        We got back all 14(5+9) instance methods from type Object and Random, public, protected or private
>>> ...


  • Anonymous
    January 18, 2006
    Most of what you are doing with IronPython could be done in C# in the immediate window :)
  • Anonymous
    January 18, 2006
    Wow, I never tried the immediate window before. It does work. Thanks Marc for this information.

    I think I should have included some instance method calls, and other things the immediate window can not perform. Good to know:)