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T4 and code generation in VS2010 (got to know)

T4 Template Transformation Process

T4=Text template transformationtookit= Template based CODE GENERATION Engine

Why Generate Code?

  • Improve Developer Productivity
  • Improve Code Quality
  • Synchronize Multiple Source Files

What is T4?

  • Template Syntax

  • Transformation Process

  • Statement Blocks

  • Expression Blocks

  • Class Feature Blocks


  • Anonymous
    April 09, 2010
    Back in the day, Microsoft Basic could accomplish this same feat with just T1 (type it in): 10 Print "Hello" 20 Print "World!" Run Hello World! Far more concise and efficient.  I'm still not convinced that VS2003+ is any real productivity improvement over what came before. Perhaps you could provide me with some more practical examples where T4 can really show its power and convince someone like myself that there is real value in what Microsoft is putting its efforts in.