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A 'Green' Home Server

As the 'new guy' on the Home Server team, I've been waiting a bit to find the right topic to jump into the blogging spotlight.  When I ran across some really interesting power consumption data that Fujitsu-Siemens, one of our OEM partners in Europe had sent us, I just couldn't resist...

First, a quick intro:  my role on the team is helping our OEM and ISV partners bring Windows Home Server products and services to market...So you'll likely be hearing a lot from me in the future in terms of really cool new additions to the Home Server ecosystem.

But back to my original point...With energy prices rising across the world, it's pretty clear that all of us will be paying a lot more attention to how we consume power in our houses - especially those devices that we tend to leave 'on' more than others - like PCs, A/V equipment, and of course our trusty Windows Home Servers.  ;-)  One of our partners, Fujitsu-Siemens (or FSC for short) opted to differentiate their Windows Home Server offering, the FSC Scaleo, by focusing on reducing power consumption thru innovative software and a great hardware platform.  The results from their lab, below, speak for themselves.  I've compared their results with an average PC in the home (and yes, I used the 'extreme' example here to prove a point).  This translates into real, significant $$ folks!

Clearly, I'm not the only one that's recognized the 'green' angle of the FSC Home Server product.  PC Pro, a UK based tech magazine just posted this review lauding its ability to conserve energy:







