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IIS 6.0 Performance Tuning (1)

Are you interested about IIS6.0?

Do you know how to leverage IIS6.0 perfectly?
You need to know exactly how to setup, config, tune.Performance tuning a Web Server is an art as much as a science. Trial and error is required to find the best configuration for your server, site, and applications. You can't just perform one test, you have to test, retest, and then test some more. After all, you'll have lots of fun. As a result, you'll be the excellent, skilled Web Server admin.  

I'm going to explain about the IIS 6.0 performance tuning.

1. How to monitor IIS performance and capture performance data

   1) Performance Tools
       - Click the Performance at "Start - Administrator Tools - Performance"
          . System Monitor, Performance Logs and Alerts are two tools you can use to measure
            applications running on the server that are utilizing server resources.
       - You can use Performance Logs and Alerts to capture data to log file over longer
          periods such as days and weeks and analyze the data after the fact.
          . You can add counters such as Processor, Memory, Disk, etc
       - Right click the System monitor, you can save the contents

    2) Microsoft Application Center Test
         - You can download this tools from Enterprise Edition
         - You can create test scripts that will connect to Web servers, access Web pages,
            and perform tasks that emulate client load while MACT collects performance data
            and response times.

    3) Capacity Planning Tool
         - Web requests go through many layers of the operation system, most of which can be
            tuned. You can use Log Manager to both trace IIS and kernel events to determine
            where your server can be tuned to improve performance, and pinpoint Web
            bottlenecks on your server
         - Command Prompt
            . C:\windows\system32> logman /?
            . Log Manager creates trace data, which is then processed by the Windows Trace
              Report utility. 
            . C:\windows\system32> Notepad iistrace.guid
               -> This file will collect information on the following (IIS WWW Server, ASP, etc)
            . C:\windows\system32> logman query providers
            . C:\windows\system32> Notepad startlogiis.bat
               -> This file launches the Log Manager and collects information specified in the
                    IISTRACE.GUID file.
            . C:\windows\system32> stoplogiis.bat
            . C:\windows\system32> rpt.bat
            . C:\windows\system32> tracerpt /?
              -> This creates three formatted reports : workload.txt, summary.txt, dumpfile.csv
              -> You can see a lot of statistics are gathered in this file.
                   You can see things like which types of pages took the longest to serve.
                   ASP pages take longer than static pages.
                   You can also see response time numbers, as well as the percentage of responses
                   served from the HTTP.SYS kernel mode cache, ISAPIs, CGI, and so forth. 
             -> You can also see how much processor time each type of page consumed

    3-1) Scripts
        - startlogiis.bat   
          . logman start "NT Kernel Logger" -p "windows kernel Trace" (process, thread, disk)
            -ct perf -o krnl.etl -ets
          .  logman start "IIS Trace" -pf iistrace.guid -ct perf -o iis.etl -ets
        - stoplogiis.bat
          . logman stop "IIS Trace" -ets
          . logman stop "NT Kernel Logger" -ets
        - rpt.bat
          . tracerpt iis.etl krnl.etl -o -report -summary
