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IE8 in Windows 7 Beta

The Windows 7 Beta includes a beta of  Internet Explorer 8.  I say “a beta” because IE8 in Windows 7 Beta is a pre-release candidate build of IE:  it’s IE8 Beta 2 plus end user features that are only available on Windows 7 plus many fixes based on feedback we’ve gotten from IE8 Beta 2 usage.  This post is an overview of what you’ll find new in Windows 7’s Internet Explorer, as well as some suggestions about how to get the best experience with this pre-release software. 

Tabs in the Taskbar

Tabs are a very heavily used feature and Windows 7 makes it easy to switch to any tab you want. When you move the mouse over the Internet Explorer icon, you’ll see a thumbnail image of every tab of every IE window that you have open. Just click the page you want to get back to.

The Windows 7 Taskbar. IE is selected and the titles of two tabs are visible.

Figure 1: IE Tabs in the Taskbar

Given that users open the browser with a specific destination in mind – whether it be mail, an online newspaper or even a search, IE8, in conjunction with Windows 7, introduces the new Jump List feature which makes ‘getting where you’re going’ faster and easier. Jump lists help you get back to the most frequently visited sites in your history list even before you’ve opened the browser! These lists can be opened by dragging up (or right-clicking) on the IE icon on the taskbar. Clicking one of these will launch the IE browser and navigate to that site. Once IE has been opened, you will see the same drag-to-display functionality in the address bar. Simply putting the mouse on the text in the address bar and dragging down will open your most frequently visited sites.

The IE Jump list including sites from the browsing history. msn, new york times...

Figure 2: IE Jump List            

If you have a touch enabled machine you can drag to open the jump list and the address bar using your finger.  In fact there are quite a few features for those of you that have a touch enabled machine. Let’s talk about those.

Touch features

The touch features are all about adapting to how touch interaction is often different than mouse interaction.

Because of the different sizes of fingers and the various ways people touch the screen, touch tends to be less accurate than mouse clicking. To respond to that we’ve made a few commonly used features easier to target. When the Favorites Center or Smart Address Bar is invoked with Touch, we put more spacing between items so it is easier to touch the link you want. We’ve also made the tab close button hit target taller.

Here’s an example of how the items in the Favorites Center are more spaced out when using touch.

Side by side view of the IE favorites menu. On the left is the menu when used with the mouse. On the right is the menu when used by touch. The touch enabled menu is larger and has larger hit targets than the mouse one.

Figure 3: Spacing of items in IE for use with touch

Touch also has a much more direct feeling than a mouse. When using touch machines, users naturally use their finger to scroll the page up and down, so we support that by default. In addition, navigating back and forward can be done with a left or right flick.

Other features enabled for Touch include opening a link in a new tab, which can be done by placing the finger on the link, dragging it a few pixels in any direction and then releasing, and two-finger zoom (on multi-touch enabled machines only).

Suggestions for the Best Experience

Our data and experience signing-off on the Windows 7 beta has been positive. Many of us have been running Windows 7 as our primary machines at home and at work for a while and loving it. At the same time, we pay very close attention to feedback. We’re looking forward to the data from millions and millions of beta users.

From the preliminary data we have already, we have some suggestions for people running the beta. The general advice is to run the latest versions of add-ons - we’ve been working with several add-on developers to make sure that together we’re able to deliver the best possible experience and there have been quite a few improvements. Some specific recommendations:

  • HP Smart Web Printing

There isn’t an update for the HP Smart Web Printing Add-on available at this time. For this add-on, IE will show you the following message and ask if you’d like to disable this add-on. Choose “Disable this add-on”.

Dialog box indicating that the HP add-on needs to be updated to work correctly with IE8.

  • Skype

Use version 4.0 beta not 3.0. For older versions of the Skype add-on, IE will show the following message. Choose “Disable this add-on”.  Then get the latest Skype version 4.0 beta which works well by clicking the “Check for updates” button or by visiting directly

Dialog box indicating that Skype needs to be updated to work correctly with IE8.

  • Windows Live Sign-in Helper

Use the latest version of Windows Live Sign-in Helper. You can get it from

  • Weather Channel Toolbar

There isn’t an update for the Weather Channel Toolbar available at this time. If you experience problems, you can disable this toolbar by right clicking and unchecking the Weather Channel Toolbar.

View of the IE chrome (address bar, toolbars and tab row). A menu is open indicating which elements of the chrome are currently enabled.

Figure 4: Right click to disable a toolbar in IE

As we gather more real-world data about the IE8 in Windows 7 experience, we’ll keep you updated here.

For site developers

The IE8 rendering platform is the same across different OS’s. So, you can write your page once for IE8. If you’re using OS detection logic you need to make sure it works properly to account for Windows 7.

Check out the Engineering Windows 7 blog to learn more about Windows 7.  I’m looking forward to your comments.

Paul Cutsinger
Principal Lead Program Manager


  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2009
    Working well for me -- posting this comment with Windows 7 :)

  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2009
    Please add "New Tab" to the Windows 7 jump list.  The only way to get to a new tab right now from the new Taskbar is to open a new instance of IE or navigate to a tab in the existing window and then open one.

  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2009
    I guess I should be more specific.  While I can pin a homepage and then use that to open a new tab, it ends up at the top of the jumplist and therefore requires more mouse travel.  It would be nice if there was a "New Tab" option right above the "Internet Explorer" option (The one that opens a new window).  The "New Tab" option would be dynamically shown if there was already a window open.  When you click it it would respect the new tab behavior and show blank vs. new tab page vs. home page based on the users settings.

  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2009
    When r u people going to add feature like firebug ? I love IE, however i always have to move to FF just to use firebug.

  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2009
    Hover over CSS styled links seems to have gotten works in this version of IE8. It is really broken now.

  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2009
    Hello there! I must say that Windows 7 is exceptionally great in every area... except IE. For example take a look at things you show. Tab switch from super taskbar: too jerky! It's exceptionally disgusting, it's very noticeable even in Win7 demo videos on home page! Add-on compatibility: [SCARY RED ICON] This addon blahblah. Blahblahblah? And what can happen if I choose 'enable add-on'? Why can't you explicitly disable it and give a link to update, can you think bit more then creating a feature? All IE add-ons are useless anyway and only slow down already shaky platform.

  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2009
    IE8 délivré dans Windows Seven n'est pas la BETA 2 Cela se voit clairement dans des situations comme

  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2009
    Win7 and IE8 will make a great release, I really look forward to it. One question, is "the beta" of IE8 in Win7 identical to the Partner Build 18344 available at Connect (bugfix-wise, not feature-wise) or are there more recent bugfixes included?

  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    Why is there an 'error' image in the MessageBox? Shouldn't that be a Warning? It's not an error in my opinion. If it would be an error the user wouldn't have the option to enable the addon.

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    So is this IE8 on Windows 7 newer than the newest IE8 pre-RC available for other versions of Windows? And if so, why?  If you have newer versions for us to test in, please release them.

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    I wonder if it will be possible to integrate other browsers/programs in this way. Would be cool if one could use this feature in Opera or Firefox too.

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    @Andrew. Thanks for the suggestion of including new tab in the jump list, we'll look into that. @Kevin. You can launch Developer Tools from the Tools menu or by pressing F12. @Daniel / Milo. The Partner build on available on connect is newer than the build in the Win 7 beta. @Itsgreatbut. You can choose to not show all the tabs in the taskbar. Change the setting in Tools, Options, General Tab, Tabs Settings, uncheck "Show previews for individual tabs in the taskbar" @MathieuRoseboom. Great point. It should be a warning. @Tihiy. We don't force add-ons off unless the add-on developer asks us to. Even then, we let the user know that it's happened and we give them a link to an update. We want to be sure that the user is always in control of their experience so they have a choice.

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    Paul! Connect Techbeta participants couldn't obtain a Win7 version of partner build? We can download on connect partner build for XP and Vista only.

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    Please backport SNI support for IE6/IE7 in XP. This can't be that much work and would help the adoption of SNI, since a large number of us still use XP. Please please please kick this up to a superior who can make the decision.

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    Make all addons disclose on their page that they are trials or whatever. I haven't kept a single addon yet after looking at the license and seeing it costs money. $20.00 for an ad blocker addon?! I'll be going back to Firefox where I can get the tons of extra functionality offered by addons for free. The only place I see people trying to make money of browser extensions is on the Mac and in Windows.

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    @Paul: I see, that shucks. But consider a typical brainless user. He has Skype (somebody installed it) and HP psc drivers from install disk (quite common). So when he'll be forced to upgrade to IE8, he'll be just pressing "x" (close button) on scary plain gray dialog with scary red icon two times every time he starts his browser. You must know and don't deceive yourself, nobody reads error messages. Only negative emotions remain after using such program. Take a look at Firefox: after upgrading it shows a dialog with pictures, descriptive text for all problem add-ons and nice 'continue' icon. You can cancel it at any second and it won't disturb you. And it does not show HURR DURR yellowblue Suggested Sites Live Search blahblah close it dialog like IE8 (thanks it's not at least "set up your browser forever" IE7 page).

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    Whilst I understand there's still an RC then final release to go, Internet Explorer 8 is seriously broken. Whilst Windows 7 is very stable and almost looks ready to ship, the same cannot be said about IE8. I'm experiencing constant crashing, multiple times a day on at least 3 different systems. There doesn't seem to be any consistency in what's causing it, all I could suggest would be how it handles javascript on some pages. There's also a problem with it not processing the CSS of a page correctly. Sometimes visiting a site results in the page being displayed incorrectly, a refresh will fix it, so there's clearly nothing wrong with the site, just the loading of the CSS. I understand IE8 is supposed to bring greater compatibility for web standards. The net effect for end users is that a LOT of websites are broken when viewing in IE8. A majority of times this is solved by using compatibility mode, but are we really going to leave it up to developers to insert 'render as IE7' code, or consumers to enter compatibility mode on each site they visit ? If you ship IE8 without fixing these issues, you'll do nothing to stop the flow of users switching to alternatives that don't have any of these issues.

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    Are you kidding? One of IE8's main new features is a functionality for touch devices nobody is lively to even have during IE8's existence?

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    @Jason Cartwright, I have the exact same problem here. Constant crashes and slow starts. Within Vista IE8 was stable.

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    You can also add a preview to add a tab, like the little tab in the main window, it's more easy to use than jump list.

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    @Jason Cartwright, I have the exact same problem here on Windows 2008 Server (x64).

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    Tabs preview in Taskbar is nice, except it doesn't work with other browsers. So will this thing remain an IE-only feature, or will Microsoft provide some open APIs for other browser vendors to implement this feature on their browsers too? Else I smell unfair competition.

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    Make IE launch chrome startup is extreme fast..even when i open new tab in IE is still slow..please add speed to your programs.

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2009
    @Kevin: the developer tools in IE 8 are not as powerful as Firebug, and it's somewhat slower to use - but it, at least, matches IE's rendering engine even in IE7 mode and Quirks mode. I recommend its use in conjunction with Fiddler, the both of which make IE much, much easier to fix after you're done with Firefox/Firebug and Opera. Sorry IE team, you made tremendous progress with Trident, but competition is still far ahead in that regard. @Salem: considering Windows 7 is still in beta, new APIs may still need to be stabilized (if you look at Vista, its APIs weren't really stabilized until 6 months after RTM; while you can expect 7 to be better there, an API may not be final before RC at least). Of course, if said API requires a system-wide installed library to work, only Safari (which force-feeds Quicktime unto your system ) may actually work here (Firefox typically installs fully outside of the SYSTEM32 directory, and may even work as a user-only application; Opera does too) @Tihiy: right; add-ons management in Firefox 3 has been worked over enough times to be useful (that's what the Mozilla team learned from its successive releases with broken add-ons). I would venture a guess that, since current IE extensions (most of which are ActiveX controls, no?) don't have/don't use version checking (add-ons developers thinking that IE wouldn't evolve and keep being backward-compatible won't add version-checking code into their plugin: if Firefox extensions developers wanted to, they could claim unlimited version support in Firefox too, making this particular system useless), another solution (checking a plugin's checksum on load) has to be used instead - which doesn't work with Firefox' "check-all-plugin-at-browser-start" UI. However, a more visible path to IE's current extension manager wouldn't be a bad idea.

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2009
    CSS on IE8 on Windows 7 is broken. Example: Try and hover over the links. On most any other browser they change color on hover.

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2009
    Hi, I own a tablet with fingerprint reader. With Vista, I had to install fingerprint software to have single sign-on so when I visited any page that required login I just provided my fingerprint and selected the appropiate credential. For example I have 3 Live accounts so going to and signing-in would give me a dialog to select the credentials and then send them by entering my fingerprint. Now that biometrics are build-in, how is the previous scenario achieved? Thanks in advance

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2009
    @Phill - I am using the pre-RC1 'Partner Build' (8.0.6001.18343) and I cannot see the issue you're referring to, so I'm guessing it's been fixed in the build that I am testing.

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2009
    I found the tabs on de taskbar in windows 7 hard to distuighish from each other especially with aero enabled. I often have multiple tabs on the same site but are unable to see which page is which.

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2009
    I hope there is a function to clear cookies, history etc.. on browser exit. InPrivate may be one way, but an option for this would be simpler (similar to the one in firefox)

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2009
    @truth Opening a new tab in IE8 takes me less than a second. Mayby you have some very slow addons ? Try starting IE8 with add-ons disabled to see if you still have slow new tabs.

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2009
    Funnily, my girlfriend is also multi-touch enabled and she has a two-fingers feature :) But I'm not sure she'll enjoy if I start calling her Windows 7.

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2009
    Looking good so far! I'll even try using IE8 as my primary browser for a while. Anyway, can we expect any improvements to VML support? At the moment VML created with DOM methods does not show up at all, which makes many developers very sad.

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2009
    Regarding the jump list, is there any chance we can get to pin items which are not on the jumplist? I personally disable all kind of "Recent ..."-activity, but having the pinned pages is a very cool feature, however that feature is pretty much dependent on the history being active, if it's not active you cannot pin anything to the pinned-list. Simply something along the lines: "Pin to jumplist" that you can get by rightclicking links, tabs and favorites would be great.

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2009
    Loving Windows 7, but IE8 stinks. Besides the CSS not displaying correctly I get hit with IE 8 not launching. The process starts, but no application. Killing all the iexplore.exe processes don't help. Only fix I have found it to reboot. Anyone else seeing this?

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2009
    The large HTML documents are incompletely rendered in the WebBrowser control when the control is not hosted in IE. This problem reproduces with the IE 8 build installed on Windows 7 (8.0.7000.0) and with IE 8 RC1 for partners (8.0.6001.18343). This problem does not reproduce with the old public IE 8 Beta 2 therefore the defect was introduced at some point after Beta 2. This defect can be easily reproduced using the standard WebBrowser control from .NET (Visual Studio 2005 and later) hosted in a simple Windows Forms application. For this I have created a simple Visual Studio 2005 project with a form and a WebBrowser control on it. You can download the archive with the test application from: To see the problem, run the IncompleteRenderTest_IE8_RC1RenderLargePageTestbinDebugIncompleteRenderTest.exe executable. The rendering of the IncompleteRenderTest_IE8_RC1RenderLargePageTestTestDocComplianceReport2.htm document ends at section 3.2.12 but the last section of the document is 4.7. The HTML document I used for testing is also accessible online at and of course is also accessible in the downloaded archive. This is an important defect and it affects one of the core products of our company. If you can help me to submit this bug to the right place so it can get fixed in the final release I would be very grateful. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    January 13, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 13, 2009
    @ibgordo Did you try starting IE8 in no-addons mode ?

  • Anonymous
    January 13, 2009
    @wai - IE has an option to clear history/cookies/etc on browser exit.  You can find it in Internet Options under browser history.

  • Anonymous
    January 13, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 13, 2009
    Has anyone had a problem connecting to the internet over a home network?  I installed Windows 7 on my laptop and it will connect to my home network (Vista Ultimate) no problem but niether IE8 or Firefox will connect to the internet.  The green bar goes about halfway, after an indication the site has been found, but then will not connect.  When I click diagnse the problem no problem is found and it shows me connected.  Anyone having similar problems and know of a fix?

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2009
    @truth and hAl I've noticed the same issue, Chrome opens new tabs and new windows instantly where as IE lags several seconds for me. I agree that it might be an addon, but should that really be something that a user has to diagnose and repair? I think that IE needs to proactively resolve this problem or at the very least, walk users through disabling slow addons that they don't ever use.

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2009
    @Osmer Batcheller, I'm having the exact same problem.

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2009
    @Boog Have you tried running IE8 in no add-ons mode? Would be great to see if the errors are due to incompatible add-ons, such as the ones Paul listed in this post.

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2009
    When will you start to work on essential things like, for example, support for XHTML 1.1, custom entities and application/xhtml+xml mime types, which are W3C recommendations for more than 5 years now ? I mean, are you aware that you bother all the web developpers when you, IE team, prefer to work on something else than supporting existing old standards ? I'm so disapointed.

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2009
    The large HTML documents are incompletely rendered in the WebBrowser control when the web browser control is not hosted in IE application Tuesday, January 13, 2009 6:50 AM by Florin C. The large HTML documents are incompletely rendered in the WebBrowser control when the control is not hosted in IE. This problem reproduces with the IE 8 build installed on Windows 7 (8.0.7000.0) and with IE 8 RC1 for partners (8.0.6001.18343). This problem does not reproduce with the old public IE 8 Beta 2 therefore the defect was introduced at some point after Beta 2. This defect can be easily reproduced using the standard WebBrowser control from .NET (Visual Studio 2005 and later) hosted in a simple Windows Forms application. For this I have created a simple Visual Studio 2005 project with a form and a WebBrowser control on it. You can download the archive with the test application from: To see the problem, run the IncompleteRenderTest_IE8_RC1RenderLargePageTestbinDebugIncompleteRenderTest.exe executable. The rendering of the IncompleteRenderTest_IE8_RC1RenderLargePageTestTestDocComplianceReport2.htm document ends at section 3.2.12 but the last section of the document is 4.7. The HTML document I used for testing is also accessible online at and of course is also accessible in the downloaded archive. This is an important defect and it affects one of the core products of our company. If you can help me to submit this bug to the right place so it can get fixed in the final release I would be very grateful. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2009
    @paul When you said: "The Partner build on available on connect is newer than the build in the Win 7 beta" I thought of something: Does the IE8 Beta included in Windows 7 fall between IE8 Beta 2 (8.0.6001.18241) and the first partner build posted on connect (8.0.6001.18343)?

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2009
    @Tim: The Win7 build of IE is very close to (but not exactly) the December partner build.

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2009
    I cannot view feeds in ie8 in WIndows 7. I always get the following message: "Internet Explorer cannot display this feed. This feed download was interrupted." What should I do?

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2009
    Working well for me. Keep up the improvements!

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2009
    When IE8 is pinned to the taskbar, the preview thumbnails work as advertised. However, if IE8 is not pinned to the taskbar, I don't get any thumbnail views at all. If I then pin it to the taskbar while it is still open, new tabs show up in the thumbnails, but the old ones do not. That doesn't seem to happen with other programs, so it looks like an IE8 issue rather than a W7 issue.

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2009
    In Windows 7 the task bar is big and also with 4 Rows worth of menus in the top while using IE8 the real-estate or the viewing area becomes very small. Could you please do something like what has been implemented in chrome. the favorites bar get hidden during we move to page 2/3.. And can the tab be moved to the TOP-bar similar to Google's chrome. Get us more viewing space and also a good password manager protected by a Master Password so that we dont have to install 3rd party tools.

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2009
    [ TechCrunch ] 今天来自微软(Dean Hachamovitch),Opera(Christen Krogh),Mozilla(Mike Shaver)和Google(Sundar Pichal)的代表,在硅谷Churchill

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2009
    Found two regressions since IE8 Beta 2 in the standards mode, both concerning floated anchors: These bugs don't occur in IE6, IE7, or IE8B2, but they do appear in the IE8 version that is in Windows 7 Beta.

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2009
    To those who have really slow IE starts in Win7 -- try turning off proxy auto-detection.  I have no proxy on my home network and was getting a 10-15 second delay on starting IE.  Turned off proxy auto-detect and its now instantaneous.

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2009
    @Rainier and others with connection problems: If you run, use the "Network Analysis" tab and "Site Analysis" it will gather data about what might be failing.  If you save that data to a file and send it to my email address (ericlaw at microsoft), I'll take a look.

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2009
     Windows 7 Beta Windows 7 Beta

  • Anonymous
    January 18, 2009
    I've tried it but it really slows down my computer...

  • Anonymous
    January 18, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 19, 2009
    Will it be necessary to unbundle IE because of the EU?

  • Anonymous
    January 19, 2009
    IE 8 worked for a couple of days.  Today it died...cannot connect to the internet.  Other browsers work.  Can ping google ok from DOS windows. Otherwise...I like the new look and feel.

  • Anonymous
    January 19, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 19, 2009
    Popup handling for bookmarklets is still broken: I can't use Instapaper, Tumbler, WordPress or any other bookmarklet that should open a new small window, because IE8 (and 7) insists on opening it in a new tab. The only thing that helps is to disable the popupblocker completely, which is no good idea either. Why is it so difficult to correctly implement features in IE that work in other browsers for almost an eternity?

  • Anonymous
    January 19, 2009
    @derlinzer, What's your setting for "When a popup is encountered" inside Tools / Internet Options / General / Tab Settings?

  • Anonymous
    January 19, 2009
    @Dan, i tried "Low" and "Medium" (sorry, i'm using the German version of IE and 7, so the names won't be correct, but you'll know, what i mean). Have you been successful with any settings/bookmarklets? If yes, which?

  • Anonymous
    January 19, 2009
    @derlinzer, I'm not asking about your popup blocker settings.  I'm asking about your Tabbed browsing settings.  There's an option that forces all popups into new tabs.

  • Anonymous
    January 19, 2009
    @Dan, sorry for the misunderstanding; it says "Always open popups in a new window"...

  • Anonymous
    January 20, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 20, 2009
    Sometimes when downloading file on the desktop the download stays at 99% for a few minutes before the window disapears. When I type something in any web form for example to regiter to a forum, and when I select all the text with the mouse and press backspace in order to delete the selected text nothing happends and if I move the mouse left & right the selection moves. Uncheking "Autodetect Network Settings" helped for much faster loading of IE

  • Anonymous
    January 20, 2009
    @Vstoitsov: The "stays at 99%" issue is likely related to what happens when a download is completed.  IE will call all registered IOfficeAntivirus providers and ask them to scan the downloaded file.  In general, this should only take ~1 second or so, but if there's a buggy or slow antivirus program, it could take a while.  Also, if you choose to "Run" the program, the digital signature of the file will be verified.  This is ordinarily very quick, but if the Certificate Revocation check needs to download a CRL file to ensure that the signing certificate has not been revoked, this could take some time as well.

  • Anonymous
    January 20, 2009
    Is there an update specifically for IE8 for W7? I find that beta 2 does a better job handling the "hover" pseudo class than the IE8 that came with W7. Can beta 2 be used with W7?

  • Anonymous
    January 20, 2009
    @CSSteve: Sorry, no, you cannot install other versions of IE8 on top of Windows7.  Each updated version of Windows7 will include updated IE8 bits.  Windows7 Beta includes post-beta2 (but pre-RC) IE8 bits.

  • Anonymous
    January 21, 2009
    What are the options for a corporate environment that requires IE6?

  • Anonymous
    January 21, 2009
    I have a really bizarre experience with IE8 on Win 7 - every time I launch IE8 I get the error Internet Explorer can not display the web page.  As a result I have to use Firefox.  Do you have any idea why this may be the case?

  • Anonymous
    January 22, 2009
    @wtroost: I believe running IE6 inside Virtual PC (or  using terminal server to connect to a Win2k3 server) is the only supported mechanism to run IE6 on Vista+ operating systems. @Martin D: What are your settings inside Tools / Internet Options / Connections?  Do you have any proxies specified?  Do you have a 3rd party firewall installed?  You may be able to use the "Network Analysis" and "Site Analysis" tabs in this tool ( to collect a log file that might help debug the connection problem.  I'll take a look if you mail it to me (ericlaw at microsoft).

  • Anonymous
    January 22, 2009
    Thanks for the response, I am currently using AVG 8 Free, it is working just perfect, but the problem with the downloads was also before I install it. Also many times IE8 freezes. But anyway my opinion right now is that IE8 is better than IE7. I have firewall off, UAC off, because I had problems with them in Vista. ;)

  • Anonymous
    January 23, 2009
    Thanks for those infos ! After a very bumby start with Windows 7 (no or sporadic, slow network connection) and Internet Explorer not connecting at all (Firefox and Windows were connected), I am more and more pleased ! @ericlaw: Thanks for pointing to your checkup tool ! It solved the IE issue, told me that a dial up is needed, although IE never showed a dial up dialog. Now everything is connected, thanks !

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2009
    This afternoon, Internet Explorer General Manager Dean Hachamovitch has announced the immediate availability

  • Anonymous
    February 15, 2009
    I have to admit, so far I'm not a big fan of Internet Explorer 8, the next version of Microsoft's Web browser. I think it lives up to most of the complaints about the previous versions of IE - slow,...

  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2009
    For Windows 7 beta users - Windows 7 beta includes a pre-release candidate version of Internet Explorer

  • Anonymous
    March 30, 2009
    I have a tendency to be a bit behind the curve on some things.  For example, just last week I finally

  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2009
    However, the 7100i is arguably the most business- conscious device in the 7100- series. Not only does it support secure email access that consumers have come to expect from RIM, but the BlackBerry 7100i also provides push- to- talk technology and full-

  • Anonymous
    May 04, 2009
    With the “final” release of IE8 for Windows Vista and other versions of Windows in several languages