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Contemplating a Move to the Cloud?

[UPDATED with the video link]

Are you an ISV contemplating moving your product or service to the cloud?

Cumulux is an ISV that has their own line of products and they also have an interesting methodology for helping other ISVs and customers to move their applications and services to the Windows Azure cloud.

They were also recently named Microsoft’s 2101 Global ISV Cloud Partner of the Year.  Ryan Dunn: Cumulux Director of Cloud Services recently joined them from Microsoft where he was well known as a key Microsoft Windows Azure Evangelist.


Recently Cumulux conducted a webcast: The Business Case for Azure (Part 1).

(I originally posted the links to this webcast series here.)

This webcast focused on the business value of moving to Azure mainly from the ISVs perspective. The recording can be downloaded from here. You can get the slides here.

Bill Zack