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Microsoft Cloud Essentials now includes Windows Intune

Last week Microsoft released Windows Intune and I immediately heard from some of the startups I work with, “Microsoft should offer Windows Intune to BizSpark Startups.” Well, good news. Startup and other partners can now get access to Intune through Microsoft Cloud Essentials, a Microsoft Partner Network Program.

To qualify for this program, you need to register for the Microsoft Partner Network and register your application on Microsoft Platform Ready. The program is free.

What’s cool about this program is that it gives you access to some great services you can use to build your business. Check out the link below for complete details…

Microsoft Cloud Essentials Pack

Available to qualified members of the Microsoft Partner Network. Benefits include:

  • 250 seats of Microsoft Business Productivity Online Standard Suite seats for internal use
  • 250 seats of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online for internal use
  • Windows Azure Platform with 750 hours of extra small compute instance, 3GB of storage, 1GB SQL Azure database, and more
  • Windows Intune to manage 10 PCs for internal use
  • A wealth of business, technical, and support guidance and resources

Keep in mind that if you’re in BizSpark, we encourage you to also join MPN. (Use the same Windows Live ID to keep the accounts linked.)  If you take advantage of this offer, please drop me a note ( and let me know how it works for you.